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Cases of Dafa Practitioners Persecuted in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

Sept. 8, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. He Yuanbing is a Dafa practitioner in Fulong Village, Rixin Township, Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu City. In August of 2001, policeman Xiao Xiaoqian of Rixin Street Police Station abducted He Yuanbing by deception. Since then Mr. He Yuanbing's whereabouts have been unknown.

In June of 2003, Datong Township government personnel in Qingbaijiang District, together with the police, had the Datong elementary school principle assist them to abduct Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Guihua and had her taken to Pi County Brainwashing Center. At the time of the abduction, Chen Guihua was teaching the students in the classroom. In the brainwash center, Chen Guihua was tied and hung up for several days. She suffered serious mental and physical injuries.

In July, Datong Township police tried to abduct Ms. Xu Biju to send her to a brainwashing class. When Xu Biju discovered that there were three police vehicles parked near her home, she recognized the plot and left home. Since then she has been forced to travel about to avoid persecution and cannot return to her home. Now the police are persecuting her husband Wang Santian. He is an employee of the Chengdu Fertilizer Plant. They illegally suspended him from work, and tried to force him to bring his wife back home. He is not allowed to return to work until he finds her.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Deng Weijian in Qingbaijiang District was abducted by police of the Guanghan Street Police Station in November of 2002. He is illegally sentenced to four years of imprisonment and is currently detained in Guanghan City Detention Center.

August 23, 2003