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In a Few Words: Save Sentient Beings with Righteous Thoughts and Do Not Be Swayed by Shifts in Ordinary Society

Nov. 17, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Taiwan


We Falun Dafa practitioners oppose this persecution and are not affected by external things during Fa-rectification. We steadfastly save sentient beings. We do not look at how people treat us, instead, we look at how we can to do better to let more people awaken and be saved.

The world's people are standing up to oppose this persecution; this is their awakening and this is their chance to choose their own path. When we clarify the truth on the street, our minds will not be affected when people don't understand us because this is their own choice and, as practitioners, we just do what we should do.

Similarly, when the world's people choose to stop the persecution our minds should not be affected, either.

From a human level, if the initiators of this persecution (i.e., Jiang Zemin, who has used the Communist Party to launch this persecution and the Communist Party, who in turn used Jiang Zemin to carry out this persecution in order to maintain power) portray themselves as the "redressers" and create a façade of "restoring Falun Gong's reputation" to achieve their own personal goals, this in itself is an attempt to escape the punishment of the law.