(Clearwisdom.net) In the past few years, I have been clarifying the facts face to face under all circumstances. However, I observed that I often encountered some problems and the results were not always what I expected. Today, I wish to share with my fellow practitioners the problems that I encountered, my understandings about what happened, and how I resolved the problems I experienced in the hope that what I learned may help fellow practitioners who may encounter similar issues.
1. Don't Speak at Too High a Level When Clarifying the Facts
One day, on the way home from visiting a fellow practitioner, I met a person to whom I started to talk about the persecution. I said: "I just visited a lady who is exceptionally kind. Because she steadfastly believes in Falun Gong, she was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp and she suffered a lot of hardship. Mistreating a good person who practices Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is unwarranted!" To my surprise, that person said: "I feel that the lady did not cultivate well. The Falun Gong practitioners that I know told me how high their levels were, what the Falun was like, the energy that they have developed, and described a lot of things that were happening in other dimensions." Finally, that person said: "I did not like them because they acted rather mysteriously."
I think this is a problem with "zealotry" that needs to be corrected. It could be due to fellow practitioners' attachment to zealotry and so they told others about the energy that they consider to be things known by gods. During the years that Teacher disseminated the Fa to save us, he explained things to us according to each of our circumstances. Teacher warned us time and again that if we spoke at too high a level, people would not accept what we said and that our words would have the opposite effect.
Thereupon, I said: "Really? That lady did not speak to me that way about Falun Gong. I understood what level she spoke from, that is, she was using the standard of Zhen, Shan, and Ren to judge herself, to single-mindedly be a good person, and that whoever did well their level would be commensurately high." "Oh! Is that so? I can accept that." Then I quickly explained some sophisticated scientific experiments and so on to open up his understanding of time and space. He was amazed by what he learned. Seeing that the impediment to his thinking was removed, I used the opportunity to talk about why Jiang was suppressing Falun Gong. After that he was completely sympathetic towards Falun Gong. He listened with enthusiasm, and when he was leaving, he said: "Time has passed so quickly! I still want to hear more!"
2. We Have to be More Considerate of The People Who Are Willing to Protect Us
One time I talked to my client about an encounter I had at a police station; his response caught me by surprise: "I totally believe all that you have said. That is the methods they have been using. But you practitioners of Falun Gong have caused a lot of suffering to the leaders of your work units." "Why do you say that?" "There is a person in my work unit that our leader was constantly afraid would cause problems. If he were arrested, we would be arrested too if we tried to protect him. The practitioner said that we should allow him to resign as he was not in the mood to work anymore."
I saw that because of the situation, the practitioner said he was not in the mood to work, but he used an improper way to express himself and did not consider the position the leader of the work unit was in.
I said: "When I resigned initially, it was because I did not want to implicate the leader of my work unit. My Teacher taught me to always consider others before myself. My co-workers were all good people and I did not want them to suffer on my account. But they did not want to see me leave, and on many occasions asked me to keep working even after I resigned. When I came back to work, I was re-instated in my old job. I had not caused them any trouble. Even my boss said that those who sent a person like me to jail were simply lunatics." His attitude changed, and he began to consider the practitioner he used to worry about as a good person, saying: "I believe you, and that colleague who resigned was really a very capable person."
3. Begin Clarifying the Facts Naturally
I clarified the facts with a new colleague, but I did not anticipate that she was against Falun Gong. I asked her why and she angrily answered: "When I entered an online chat room, a Falun Gong practitioner quietly told me 'Falun Gong is being persecuted, if you want to know the truth, visit Minghui net.' As soon as anyone entered the chat room, he would quietly say the same thing. He did not care if others liked hearing his words or not. Chatting on the net used to bring me pleasure, but he always interfered with the normal flow of conversation by repeating the same words. Basically, I was not against Falun Gong; but now I feel really annoyed. Was what he did cultivation?"
I realized that the fellow practitioner was being a bit too eager when speaking to people, and his not being natural had caused the problem. Since it was a chat room, he should have chatted with the person first, learned the interests and hobbies of the other party, and then introduced the persecution through one of the other person's interests. This approach would have been more appropriate as the other party would see it as a normal conversation, and would not have felt they were being preached to.
I told her: "One of the principles our Teacher taught us is that when cultivating Dafa one comes of their own free will and can stop at any time. Of course, no one who does not want to practice Falun Gong is ever forced to understand us." I noticed her attitude softening so I added: "You may not appreciate the consequences of being hostile towards Dafa; but that person does know. He didn't want anyone to have a negative opinion about Dafa and so he was anxious about what he would say. I hope that you will understand that he was being kindhearted. Our Teacher requires that we have to consider whether others can accept what we say before we speak, and he did not cultivate well in this aspect. I think he will do better in the future. You could also be compassionate and persuade him to do better next time you chat with him on the net." She felt amused and said: "Perhaps the nation will speak differently about Falun Gong in future."
4. When Clarifying the Facts Don't Consider Only Your Own Safety, But Also Consider If the Other Party Can Accept It
Once I was in a taxi and spoke to the driver about Jiang being sued in other countries. To my surprise he said: "There was a Falun Gong practitioner who hired a taxi and then used a balloon to fly a banner out of the window of the vehicle. The driver was not aware of what his passenger had done. However, when the police saw the banner, they arrested the driver and the practitioner. The driver was tried and found guilty and punished for allowing the Falun Gong practitioner to commit a crime from his vehicle. How unfair!"
I realized that an individual practitioner had only wanted to clarify the facts; but instead, he got someone else in trouble, which of course produced a negative effect. I felt that the fellow practitioner only considered his own safety, thinking that once he got out of the cab, he could not be identified as the person that tied the banner to the balloon. Instead he provided the old forces with a gap they could use caused by his attachment of fear. As he did not consider how ordinary people would react, he caused an adverse effect upon those who were unwittingly involved in his action.
I said: "It is indeed unfair! But the driver was arrested by the police and not by the one who released the balloon. It was the police who created the injustice by misjudging the case." "You are correct in expressing it that way." "Furthermore, Falun Gong has never said that they want to topple the Party." As far as I know, whatever banners they used invariably say, "Falun Dafa is good" or "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Why should Jiang be afraid of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance? What are they actually doing by arresting such citizens but implicating them in a criminal case?" "That is actually so, it all boils down to personal power."
5. The Facts Must Definitely be "Clarified"
I once met a female office worker and took the opportunity to tell her about the persecution. She was very sympathetic towards me but said: "There is a person who practices Falun Gong in my village. One day, he asked many people to go to Beijing with him to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong; but was stopped by the police on the way. When asked what he thought he was doing, he refused to say anything."
I think that in everything we do, it should be for saving all sentient beings, and should be linked to the clarification of the facts. To go to Tiananmen is not merely a form, it is to clarify the facts to the government and the people. Since the planned visit was not successful, why not use the opportunity to clarify the facts with the police as well as the local people?
Hence I spoke on behalf of the practitioner and explained the purpose of the
planned visit to
Tiananmen, the cause and effect of the suppression of Falun Gong by Jiang, the
suffering we underwent in the "dark dens," the benefits we derived from Dafa,
for the future of the people and the nation, the Dafa practitioners were going
to Tiananmen to appeal to the government to clear up the fabricated and trumped
up charges against Dafa and our Teacher. After listening to what I said, she
exclaimed: "Excellent! I have understood a lot of things today."
My understanding is, "Master wants to save all beings" ("Dafa is Indestructible" from Essentials for Further Advancement). Hence, in everything we do, and when encountering problems, we should consider what behavior is appropriate to save all sentient beings. By studying the Fa well, we build a strong foundation to save all sentient beings. When we send forth righteous thoughts, they are to eliminate the obstruction to saving sentient beings. And clarifying the facts is the most direct way to save the sentient beings. Therefore, not only must we clarify the facts, we must do so in a way that will penetrate the hearts of the people.
"I often say that if all a person wants is the well-being of others and if this is without the slightest personal motivation or personal understanding, what he says will move the listener to tears." (From "Clearheadedness" in Essentials For Further Advancement). When clarifying the facts, we realized that if we felt a bit resentful, there would immediately be a negative repercussion. In most circumstances, when we do not have any resentment, but only tell the facts to the people of the world by calmly narrating our experiences in the persecution and have an optimistic and truthful countenance, many people will feel moved. When a young man listened to a lady describing her experiences, he was so moved that tears flowed down his cheeks and onto his jacket. Through his tears he said: "You have all really suffered a lot. Thank you very much for telling me so much today!" Many others said: "You have all suffered so much, yet you are still so optimistic and peaceful. If it were us, we would have fought desperately with them! This kind of belief is magnificent! Falun Gong is indeed extraordinary!"