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Exposing the Evil Nature of the Jiang Group's Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong during the 60th Session of the UN Human Rights Commission (Photo)

April 3, 2004

(Clearwisdom.net) As the 60th session of UN Human Rights Commission entered its 3rd week, more Falun Gong practitioners from Switzerland, Australia, United States, Canada, France, Germany, Austria and Ireland arrived in Geneva to clarify the truth of the Jiang group's brutal persecution of Falun Gong to all nations' UN delegates, NGOs, and human rights activists.

Through the practitioners' persistent efforts, many people have learned the true situation of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, and they are taking the initiative to acquire Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Many of them greet practitioners by saying "Falun Gong, Falun Gong is good!" There are also many people who learned about Falun Gong from the practitioners' parade and appeal activity held when the UN meeting had just begun. After talking with practitioners, some African countries' delegates and NGOs also learned the truth of the Jiang group's brutal persecution, and some of them said that they would take back this information to related institutions of their governments. After learning the truth of Falun Gong, one official of a member nation of the African Human Rights Commission said that he couldn't decide his country's vote; however he would be troubled if he had to vote against his conscience.

In order to call on people to pay closer attention to the persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners participated in many meetings and took every opportunity to speak out on the situation of Falun Gong being persecuted in China. For example, during the "Transnational Corporation Human Rights" meeting, practitioners told people that Chinese practitioners had been forced to perform slave labor in labor camps to produce export products and a few foreign companies who invested in China forced their Chinese employees to give up their practice of Falun Gong.

Karen Parker speaking at UN Human Rights Convention

Renowned human rights lawyer Karen Parker gave two speeches at the UN Human Rights meetings. She condemned the Chinese Government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, saying that China is a country that practices extreme discrimination. The Chinese government has been persecuting Faun Gong using all its resources. Before the persecution started in July 1999, more than 100 million Chinese practiced Falun Gong. Now, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested, hundreds have been murdered in police custody. Untold thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been sent to labor camps and forced to do slave labor. The number of persecution cases is beyond the UN Human Rights office's capacity to handle. Apparently, everything the Chinese government has done has been utterly irrational and discriminating because Falun Gong is a traditional Qigong and has been a part of Chinese culture for thousands years. The only conclusion one can draw from the persecution is that the Chinese government has banned Falun Gong for its political interest. Overseas Falun Gong practitioners currently take actions to protect the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China because the Chinese authorities use all kinds of lies to defame Falun Gong. However, there are people all over the world practicing Falun Gong openly, and no other country believes what the Chinese government has been promoting. Therefore, the Chinese government's effort of defaming Falun Gong is in vain. The United Nations should send officials to China to investigate this human rights crisis due to massive governmental violence against Falun Gong practitioners.

The Chinese government has also been trying to interfere with practitioners' activities. For example, the practitioners' meeting flyers on bulletin boards were ripped off by Chinese Governmental officials several times. Once a human rights specialist was very indignant as she told a practitioner how she saw a Chinese official rip off practitioners' meeting poster. When she questioned why he did this, the man ran away. She asked for several flyers from practitioners and said that she would help practitioners to post them. A member of an NGO gave a speech at a Falun Gong seminar. He said that a security staff member took a flyer of this Falun Gong meeting away from him when he entered the meeting hall. He said that apparently the Chinese government had done something here, because nobody had bothered him over other fliers. He could not believe that such a thing could have happened during the UN Human Rights convention.