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Brutal Acts of Hebei Police: Electric Shock Torture, Force-Feeding Water Laced With Cayenne Pepper, and Yanking Out Teeth with Pliers

April 4, 2004

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Wang Jinyi and I am 31 years old. I am from Beiwutun Village, Liusong Town, Xianghe County of Langfang City, Hebei Province. I was detained four times for practicing Falun Gong. On the evening of October 15, 2002, I was again arrested while at a friend's home. Later I was sentenced to three years of forced labor.

On the evening of October 15, 2002, I heard people walking outside, pounding my door after jumping over the fence into the courtyard. Someone shouted, "Keep close watch. If they come out, beat them to death!" Shortly after that, seven to eight plainclothes police brandishing wooden and steel clubs broke in and handcuffed me. They searched my body and took over 300 Yuan in cash, my address book, and my identification card. The county "610 Office" (1) director Sun Yandong came in and said, "Take him away!" My friend questioned them, "Why do you arrest him? I will sue you." Then a policeman rushed over, cursing him and slapped him on the face. The police tore the telephone out of the wall and pushed my friend and me into the police vehicle.

They took us to Anping Town Police Station in Xianghe County, where they cuffed my hands to a metal chair and tied up my feet. They started to interrogate me. The interrogation was carried out by the "610 Office" director Sun Yandong, the county police department's Political Security Section Chief Zhang Zilai, a policeman whose last name is Wang, and another policeman whose name is unknown to me.

The policeman asked me, "Where has Zhang [another practitioner the police sought] gone?" I said, "I don't know. I was at work." Zhang Zilai threatened me. I said, "I don't know. What do you want me to say?" After the interrogation reached a deadlock for a while, they went out, realizing that they could not get me to tell them anything.

When they were out of the room, Zhang Zilai said to the policeman, "Teach him a lesson!" Then the policeman returned, followed by another one. He fiercely said, "Will you talk or not!" I told him, "I don't know." He gnashed his teeth, "Torture him!" They pulled out an old fashioned crank telephone which had been rigged up as a torture device. They clamped the two wires to my legs, and started to the crank [to generate electric current]. However, they could not get it to work.

After that they used an electric baton. They poured some water on my legs and then started to shock me. I immediately felt the powerful electric current go directly to my heart. My heart and blood vessels experienced huge pressure, and felt as if they could not expand anymore. What followed immediately was that I felt that my chest was swollen and I could barely breathe, as if my heart had stopped beating. The noise of the shocking with the electric baton and their swearing filled the room. The whole room smelled of burnt skin and flesh. I do not know how much time had passed before the baton's power was used up. Only then did they stop the torture. Seeing that I had my mouth wide open and did not move at all, they poured a cup of water on my face. It was a long while before I could breathe again. When they saw that I could breathe again, they asked me again whether I would talk. I told them, "I don't know!" The police said, "Feed him salt water and hot pepper water!"

He went out and sent in two more. They brought in two cups. One was full of a yellow liquid and another full of a white liquid. One of the police yanked my hair back so that my face was facing upward and I could not move. Another one held my nose so that I could only breathe with my mouth. Another policeman held a screwdriver in one hand and the yellow liquid cup in another hand. He used the screwdriver to pry open my teeth and then poured the liquid into my mouth. I immediately felt as if my throat was on fire. I was choked and could not breathe. They also quickly poured the white liquid down into my mouth. It was very salty. Breathing became even more difficult. I coughed badly and tears and nasal mucus kept coming out. My throat seemed to be on fire. The policeman asked me again, "Will you talk or not?" I shook my head. He became infuriated and said, "You really have an iron mouth and steel teeth!" Then he ordered the others, "Get a pair of pliers and pull his teeth out!"

They found a pair of big pliers. Just as they did before, one person grabbed my hair and another held my nose. They used the screwdriver to pry open my mouth and put the pliers into my mouth to pull out my molars. After he put the pliers in position to pinch my teeth, he fiercely said, "Will you talk or not?" I firmly shook my head. He angrily stared at me and pulled the pliers out suddenly with force. Since he used too much force, the pliers lost grip of the teeth, which caused him to lose balance and go several steps backward. He repeated this several times. After a cracking noise, I felt that my mouth was filled with some sticky stuff. I felt a sharp pain. Blood came out of my mouth. I wanted to vomit. But that policeman said fiercely, "If you vomit again, I'll make you eat it!" After finishing this torture, the police saw that it still did not work. So they started to talk about sending me to the detention center. That was after 2 in the morning on October 16, 2002.

On the way to the detention center, Zhang Zilai said to me, "If you don't talk, I will sentence you to forced labor within three days. You will be given a sentence for three years, and there will not be a reduction of even one day. I mean it! Even if you don't care for yourself, you should care for your 70-year old mother, who will be left with no care." Even as the police tortured me almost to death and I did not give in, they were still saying that I did not care for my family members. This is the ridiculous logic of Jiang's gang of criminals.

After I was sent to the detention center, I found that the inner sides of my legs were covered with wounds and bruises. Bloody blisters, which were as big as walnuts, appeared on the inner sides of my lower legs. After my teeth were pulled out, I could not breathe in cold air; otherwise, the tooth bed would hurt. When that area was touched by food when I was eating, I would feel unbearable pain. After they charged me with crimes that I did not commit, and they indeed sentenced me to three years of forced labor. They also threatened me, "If you do not talk, you will be sent back to the police station. You will be tortured until you agree to talk."

(1) 610 Office: An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

March 2, 2004