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A Practitioner Immediately Corrects Her Mistake, Improves Herself and Clarifies the Truth

June 17, 2004

(Clearwisdom.net) One day in September 2003, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Lingyuan, Chaoyang went to a fair on her bicycle. At the fair she was bumped by a truck from a neighboring village. She fell and a small piece of skin on her hand was scraped off, yet she was otherwise uninjured. At the time, this practitioner did not maintain her xinxing (1) well, and she asked for 200 yuan from the truck owner.

Upon returning from the fair, as soon as she entered the door of her house she could not see clearly, her legs did not respond properly, and she fell in the courtyard. Her husband and son lifted her up, carried her to her room and asked her, "What happened? Weren't you fine when you left?" She said: "I did something wrong. I asked for 200 yuan from a truck driver who hit me." Her husband is also a Falun Dafa practitioner. He said: "Aren't you exchanging it for karma?" She said: "How did I do that? I want to return the money but I cannot walk. I created such a negative effect for Dafa. I did a disservice to Teacher." Her husband said: "You should clarify the truth to our village, admit your mistake, and remove the negative influence you created." She said: "I cannot see clearly, I cannot walk. How can I clarify the truth?" Her husband said: "I will carry you on my back; you can explain the facts door to door."

Thus, she clarified the truth on her husband's back door to door, 70 in total, from 3 p.m. to after 8 p.m. After she came home she listened to Teacher's Fa lectures. After breakfast the next morning, her husband carried her on a motorcycle to the neighboring village to return the money and to apologize to the truck owner. She further explained, "As a Falun Gong practitioner, I was wrong to do what I did." She also told the driver what she should have done in such a situation according to the teachings in Zhuan Falun.

Many people from the village came out to listen to her. Thus, she validated Falun Dafa and let more people understand the principles of Falun Dafa, and also clarified the facts about the persecution against Falun Dafa. This event made many people understand Dafa, and learn how Dafa teaches people to be kind and to correct oneself when wrong. All the people got to know that Dafa is great.

Because of this event, 30 people from the two villages started practicing Falun Dafa. After the couple returned the money to the truck owner and went back home, the practitioner could see clearly again and her legs returned to normal.

(1) heart or mind nature, moral character.