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Solemn Statement of a Young Dafa Disciple

June 25, 2004


I'm a first year middle school student. On April 1, many policemen came to our school and organized a meeting, at which they told lots of lies about Dafa and ordered all students and teachers to sign a large red cloth to oppose Dafa. All of us had to sign under the police's supervision. I'd like to become a good girl who follows "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." So, I hereby solemnly declare that what I signed is invalid. From now on, I will study the Fa and follow what Teacher requires of us in "Solid Cultivation" (Hongyin):

Study the Fa and obtain the Fa,
Share in learning and share in cultivating,
Following [the Fa] in everything,
Compliance is cultivation.

I will take any opportunities to reduce the damage I brought to Dafa and tell people "Falun Dafa is great."

Dafa Disciple: Xu Xini
May 28, 2004