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The Shenyang Railway Police Abduct Six Dafa Practitioners from Jilin Province

June 7, 2004 |   By Dafa practitioners from the Jilin City Railway Station

(Clearwisdom.net) The police from the Shenyang Railway Substation in Liaoning Province and the Jilin City Railway Sub-bureau Public Security Office in Jilin Province jointly carried out a plan laid out by the Shenyang Railway Bureau of Liaoning Province. This plan was the start of yet again another round of persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners using the local railway system.

On the morning of May 10, 2004, practitioners Zhang Wei and Zhao Shuyun from the Jilin City Railway Sub-bureau Construction Company, Liu Dejun from Jiaohe City's Tiangan Railroad Station, Zhang Fubo from the head office of the Jilin City Railway Sub-bureau Building Construction Company, and another two Dafa practitioners whose names are unknown were abducted from their workplaces by the police from the Shenyang Railway Substation and the Jilin City Railway Sub-bureau Public Security Office. The police immediately took the practitioners to a train bound for Fushun City, Liaoning Province. After they arrived in Fushun, the police forced the practitioners into the Fushun Railway Sanitarium (a brainwashing center). They demanded that every practitioner pay a fee of 3,000 yuan [the monthly income of an average Chinese worker is about 500 yuan] but gave no reason or explanation. The police told the practitioners that they would be sentenced if they refused to be "transformed" and write the five pledges [statements promising to give up Falun Gong and not to appeal for Falun Gong].

Dafa practitioner Zhang Wei used to live with his grandmother. When his grandmother heard the news about her grandson, she became so overwhelmed with worry that she immediately lost her vision.

Responsible persons:

Shenyang Railway Bureau Director: Wang Zhanzhu

Address of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau: 5 Zhongkang Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, post code: 132001, phone number: 86-432-6123280, 86-432-6122280

Office phone number: 86-432-2557586

General Party Secretary of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau, Yang Yukui: 86-432-6122619

Vice General Party Secretary of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau, Zeng Qingming: 86-432-6123619

Party Committee Office of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau, Zhao Guangbo: 86-432-6123119

General Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau, Han Yonggu

General Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau Construction Company, Feng Yuxiang: 86-432-2782496

Address of the Jilin Railway Sub-bureau Public Security Office: 176 Chongqing Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, postcode: 132000

Director's office: 86-432-2563466