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Latest News from China -- May 28, 2004

June 7, 2004


  1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Rongrong Suffers Burns Over Many Parts of Her Body and Lays Dying in the Hospital
  2. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Dai Yanhong Brutally Tortured
  3. [Beijing] Twenty-eight Falun Dafa Practitioners from Shanxi Province, Who Came to Beijing to Appeal for Falun Dafa, Are Arrested and One Dies as a Result of Torture
  4. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Post--doctoral Student Lin Yanqing from Harbin Industrial University Imprisoned After Holding a Hunger Strike
  5. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Jiang Wei and Xie Baofeng Both Dying from Torture
  6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gu Shuhua Is Held at Dalian City Yaojia Detention Center Two Months Beyond Her Term
  7. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Guo Shaoqing and Three Other Practitioners Abducted
  8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Geng Shun'e Abducted by Police
  9. [Dagang District, Tannin City] Banqiao Farm Detains Dafa Practitioners for a Long Time and Extends their Terms
  10. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Police Arrest and Search the Homes of Sun Xiufen and Qi Xufang for Telling the Facts About Falun Gong
  11. [Fusong County, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Gao Han
  12. [Penglai, Shandong Province] Nie Jinrong is Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
  13. [Yi County, Hebei Province] Practitioner Yang Xiuting Arrested
  14. [Yi County, Hebei Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested
  15. [Fushui City, Liaoning Province] An Insider Tells of Policeman Wang Zhenyuan's Boasting of Mercilessly Beating Dafa Practitioners
  16. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Police Track Su Kezhen Around the Clock for an Extended Time
  17. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Facts of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Dazaolin Village, Beiwang Township

1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Rongrong Suffers Burns Over Many Parts of Her Body and Lays Dying in the Hospital

Ms. Gao Rongrong, 36, an accountant at the Luxun Fine Arts College in Shenyang City, was sentenced to Longshan Forced Labor Camp, Shenyang City for three years because of talking to students about Falun Dafa. On May 7, 2004, Tang Yubao, Associate Captain of the No. 2 Brigade, directed by Li Fengshi, head of the forced labor camp, and Wang Jinghui, Captain of the Brigade, shocked Ms. Gao Rongrong with electric batons for 6 hours. She sustained burns on her head, neck, feet, and back, which caused her head to swell and become deformed. Around 9:00 p.m., she was forced to jump from the second floor where the torture was administered, causing fractures in many parts of her body. Gao Rongrong was sent to the Shenyang Public Security Hospital. The authorities did not notify her family until May 13, after her family had already found out on their own. Her family demanded that Ms. Gao be transferred to the No. 1 Affiliated Hospital of Shenyang Medical Arts University for treatment. Ms. Gao is experiencing pains in the area of her liver, a low-grade fever, and persistent nausea.

The forced labor camp refuses to release her. They stated that they would pay for her medical expenses. Police from the camp are watching her at the hospital and they were seriously considering surgery for Ms. Gao.

Contact information for Longshan Forced Labor Camp:
Address: No. 97, Lizigou, Zhujia Township, Dongling Region, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Postal Code: 110173
Head of the Forced Labor Camp: Li Fengshi
Phone number (switchboard): 86-24-24760033
Management Section: Head: Wei Mintang, Associate Head: Jiang Yubo

2. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Dai Yanhong Brutally Tortured

Two years ago Guangzhou City police took Ms. Dai Yanhong, a practitioner from Guangzhou City, to the "Small Island," to keep her in isolation. She is being brutally tortured. They have wrapped her body with tape, leaving only her face free. After that they subjected her to all kinds of tortures to force her to give up her faith. She went on a hunger strike, but was force-fed, sustaining injuries during the process. She has lost much weight, is emaciated, and is barely hanging on to life. Recently she was transferred to the Tianhe Detention Center for further persecution. The authorities are attempting to lengthen her sentence and escalate the persecution against.

3. [Beijing] Twenty-eight Falun Dafa Practitioners from Shanxi Province, Who Came to Beijing to Appeal for Falun Dafa, Are Arrested and One Dies as a Result of Torture

In April 2001, twenty-eight Falun Dafa practitioners from Shanxi Province chartered a bus to Beijing. Ms. Cheng Zhuanyu and Ms. Li Jinhua were arrested and sentenced to a forced labor camp in Beijing. A total of nine relatives of Ms. Li Jinhua were sent to the forced labor camp. A male practitioner in his forties was tortured to death at the Dongcheng Detention Center.

4. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Post--doctoral Student Lin Yanqing from Harbin Industrial University Imprisoned After Holding a Hunger Strike

Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Lin Yanqing is a post-doctoral student at Harbin Industrial University. On May 16, she began a hunger strike while being detained at Rujiang Forced Labor Camp, Fujiang Province. She is extremely weak at this time, as she has been on the hunger strike more than 11 days.

Political and Security Section of Quanzhou Public Security Bureau, Fujian Province
Section Head: Wu Duanxiang, 86-13905078057 (Mobile)
Office Clerk: Xiao Si 86-13506968998 (Mobile)

5. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Jiang Wei and Xie Baofeng Both Dying from Torture

After Mr. Jiang Wei and Ms. Xie Baofeng were arrested on April 2, they were tortured until they were close to death. Jiang Wei was sent to 234 Hospital in Changyang City. He might die any moment, and yet the Changyang City Public Security Bureau refuse to release him, putting Jiang Wei's life further at risk. Xie Baofeng was also in very serious condition.

The persecutors are said to be the National Security Branch of the Changyang City Public Security Bureau, headed by Wang Jinglong and Wang Xueshan.

Security Branch of Changyang City Public Security Bureau: 86-421-2617533 (Office)
Wang Jinglong, Branch head: 86-421-2611250
Wang Xueshan, Associate Branch Head: 86-421-2614821 (Office), 86-421-2617610 (Home)

Chaoyang Public Security Bureau: 86-421-2615615 (Fax)
Bureau Chief: Wang Weizhong: 86-421-2616582 (Office), 86-421-2800288 (Home), 86-13904215818 (Mobile)
Zhou Yuhai, Party Secretary of Disciplinary Committee, 86-421-2618125 (Office), 86-421-2960686 (Home), 86-13942166888 (Mobile)

6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gu Shuhua Is Held at Dalian City Yaojia Detention Center Two Months Beyond Her Term

On January 19, 2004, the National Security Branch of Dalian Public Security Bureau joined forces with the Ganjingzi Police Division and the Ganjingzi Zhouxi Neighborhood Committee to arrest Ms. Gushuhua and ransack her home. She has been held at the Yaojia Detention Center for two months beyond her term.

Chen Xin of the National Security Branch of Dalian Public Security Bureau
Associate Chief of Zhoushuizi Police Station, Ganshuizi Division, Dalian City: Ren Lianfu;
Patroller: Liu Minxin
Party Secretary of Ganjingzi Zhouxi Neighborhood Committee: Qu Yongjing

7. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Guo Shaoqing and Three Other Practitioners Abducted

In the afternoon of May 24, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Guo Shaoqing and her mother were abducted. Their belongings worth between 10,000 and 20,000 Yuan (1) were confiscated. Ms. Guo was employed by the Museum of Fine Arts of Yiyang City. Since the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20, 1999, she has been to Beijing to appeal several times. In December 2000, she was arrested and held for two years at the Zhuzhou City Baimalong Female Forced Labor Camp because she practiced Falun Gong. She went on a hunger strike for 70 days and walked out of the camp in September 2002. In 2003, Guo Shaoqing was jailed twice for talking to people about Falun Gong. One time she was held at the Yiyang City Taojiang Detention Center where she was beaten, sustaining injuries all over her body. She was later able to walk out using righteous thoughts. Ms. Guo's mother was also illegally held, but still remains steadfast. On the same day, Ms. Wang Yunan was also abducted. In December 2000, she went to Beijing, was arrested, and was detained for two months.

In May 2004, someone called the police when Mr. Feng Zhihua was distributing Falun Dafa materials. A half-dozen police, led by Jing Jianmin, Section Head of Politics and Security of Ziyang District, Yiyang City, arrested him. Mr. Feng Zhihua went to Bejing to appeal for Falun Dafa in December 2000 and was detained for four months.

Yiyang City "610 Office" (2), 86-737-4224517
Yiyang City Heshan District "610 Office": 86-737-44033610
Yiyang City, Heshan District, Taohualun Police Station: 86-737-4223522

8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Geng Shun'e Abducted by Police

Several depraved people from Zhongshan Community, Wuchang District, abducted Falun Dafa practitioner Geng Shun'e from her home when her husband was at work and her children were at school. She was alone at home. Her door was forced open and she was abducted. The abductors then changed the lock so her husband could not open the door. Staff at the "610 Office" told the husband that his wife was being held at Yangyuan Brainwashing Center, and that she is currently on a hunger strike. They even extorted 100 Yuan from her family, saying that they gave her some kind of shots.

Before this happened, Ms. Geng Shun'e had been forced to leave home for an extended period of time to avoid being harassed by the authorities. She had only recently returned home, and was abducted right away. Her relatives demanded to know why the authorities took her away. They said that it was because she wrote about how she was persecuted and let everyone known about it.

Zhongshan Community has used such wicked means to arrest a number of Falun Dafa practitioners, including Granny Tong, Peng Liangmei, and Geng Shun'e.

9. [Dagang District, Tannin City] Banqiao Farm Detains Dafa Practitioners for a Long Time and Extends their Terms

Banqiao Farm of Dagang District, Tianjin City is the former 5th Brigade Labor Camp, where Dafa practitioner Zhao Dewen was persecuted to death. After Dafa practitioner Lu Shuying had been detained for two years, her term was extended for another two and a half years. The police threatened that if practitioners did not give up their belief, "an extra six months would be added to the detention term, then another six months, without any relief in sight." It is rumored that the labor camp has already extended the terms of several Dafa practitioners in this manner several times.

After the news of Dafa practitioner Zhao Dewen being persecuted to death was exposed on Clearwisdom.net, this labor camp changed its name.

10. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Police Arrest and Search the Homes of Sun Xiufen and Qi Xufang for Telling the Facts About Falun Gong

On the morning of May 23, 2004, plainclothes police spotted Dafa Practitioners Ms. Sun Xiufen and Qi Xufang of Xinghua Village, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province when they were clarifying the truth to other people. This resulted in the arrest of these two practitioners. On the morning of May 24, policeman Liu Jie from the Huancui District Public Security Sub-bureau brought approximately seven plainclothes policemen on two microbuses to search the homes of the two arrested practitioners.

11. [Fusong County, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Gao Han

Dafa practitioner Gao Han of Fusong County, Jilin Province went out to clarify the truth on the night of May 25, and was arrested by the police.

Jilin Province Fusong County Public Security Sub-bureau Political Protection Section Chief: Zhang Aimin

12. [Penglai, Shandong Province] Nie Jinrong is Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials

Nie Jinrong of Nie Family Brigade, Penglai was detained at the detention center for distributing truth-clarification materials, and for having Dafa materials at home.

Penglai "610 Office" phone number: 86-535-5669610
Chief: Chen Yongfu: 86-13605457576 (Mobile)

13. [Yi County, Hebei Province] Practitioner Yang Xiuting Arrested

On the night of May 2, 2004, as Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Xiuting of Nanqi Village, Tanghu Town, Yi County, Hebei Province clarified the truth in Linquan Village, Xishanbei Township, she was arrested by Xishanbei Township Airport Local Police Station policemen Wu Fengpo and Jing Xiaopeng, and Linquan Village brigade cadre Yin Yijiang. These officers had waited there specifically to abduct practitioners. Yang Xiuting was sent to the Yi County Qili Village Detention Center.

The responsible people are as follows:
Local police station officers:
Manager Wang Zhiyong, 86-13313122313 (Mobile)
Wu Fengpo, 86-13513281630 (Mobile), Jing Xiaopeng
Brigade cadre Yin Yijiang (was awarded 1,000 Yuan for reporting one practitioners)

14. [Yi County, Hebei Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Shumei is over 50 years old and an employee of the Yi County Food Bureau Processing Factory. In March 2004, she was arrested during the "Two Congress Meetings" period, and then sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Dafa practitioner Xi Zixuan from Xishanbei Township, Yi County was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor after he had already been detained for nearly six months. He is now detained at the Baoding Forced Labor Camp.

Xishanbei Village government phone number: 86-312-8830030, 8830770
Secretary Li Xin: 86-13931383817 (Mobile)
Head of Township Chen Shigong: 86-13930812707 (Mobile)
"610 Office" Chief Xu Baozhu
"610 Office" Deputy Chief Bi Shuyu: 86-13131266027 (Mobile)

During April and May this year, the Hebei Yi County "610 Office" once again savagely arrested and persecuted Dafa practitioners. Practitioner Mr. Zhuo Guibin was forced to leave home in order to avoid further persecution in March of this year. "610 Office" personnel arrested him at his relative's home in Shijiazhuang. Another three Dafa practitioners have been abducted in Yi County.

Yi County Political and Judiciary Secretary Yu Lianyou: 86-312-8213197
Legal System Section: 86-312-8225277
Section chief Feng Decheng: 86-13931251238 (Mobile)

15. [Fushui City, Liaoning Province] An Insider Tells of Policeman Wang Zhenyuan's Boasting of Mercilessly Beating Dafa Practitioners

On a spring day in 2000, I went to the Security Section of Hongtou Mountain Ore Company in Fushun City, Liaoning Province to take care of some business. After arriving at that office, I overheard the employees discussing various matters. The person who spoke the most was policeman Wang Zhenyuan. He said arrogantly, "...went to Beijing to pick up Yang Xiaozhi and Feng Jinying who appealed for Falun Gong. After we came back, Liu Shuli and I unmercifully beat them! That elderly lady Feng's face was distorted as a result of our torture, her mouth was bleeding, and you could hear the sound of the bones in her arms... afterwards we sent them to Qingyuan Detention Center."

I was so angry! Don't they practice Falun Gong to keep fit and be healthy? What's wrong with believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance?" These policemen are so crazy!

16. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Police Track Su Kezhen Around the Clock for an Extended Time

Around October 2003, Simaqiao local policemen arrested Ms. Su Kezhen at her home, and detained her at the Pi County Detention Center for three months, then sentenced her to one and half a years of forced labor. After being taken to Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp in Zizhong, the labor camp checked Ms. Su's health condition. Her body showed symptoms of high blood pressure. Therefore, the labor camp refused to accept her and the local police station personnel had to take her home.

Since she returned home on January 15, 2004, policemen from the Simaqiao Local Police Station have tailed her around the clock until today. They even shadow her when she goes shopping or visits relatives and friends. Su Kezhen visited their office many times to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa. She warned them that they were committing crimes in persecuting Dafa practitioners. However they paid no attention, and continue to persecute her. On the May 1 public holiday, Ms. Su went to Ma Yi of Simaqiao Local Police Station, asked them not to persecute and follow her any more, but Ma Yi said, "We still need to closely follow you during the holiday period."

Participants of the persecution:
Simaqiao Local Police Station manager: Ma Yi
Simaqiao Local Police Station household registry: Huang He
Simaqiao "610 Office" chief: Feng Xiuying

17. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Facts of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Dazaolin Village, Beiwang Township

A) Mr. Gao Fujun: After July 20, 1999, he was dismissed from Langfang City Refinery for practicing Falun Gong.

B) Mr. Zhang Yonghong: On January 1, 2000, he was arrested after appealing in Beijing and detained at Langfang City Detention Center for 40 days. Not long after he returned home, he was taken to the brainwashing center for forced brainwashing.

C) Ms. Wang Yuzhen: was once detained.

D) Mr. Zhang Hai and Ms. Wu Shuyan: were sent to the brainwashing center for forced brainwashing.

(1) Yuan is Chinese currency, 500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.

(2) "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.