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Tangshan City Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Sujun Is Unlawfully Imprisoned and Forced to Have an Abortion

June 8, 2004

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Liu Sujun, 37 years old, began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. After the persecution began, she was arrested and beaten numerous times simply because she clarified the truth about Dafa and the persecution. She went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing with other practitioners to hold up a banner reading "Falun Dafa Is Great" and was arrested and detained for five months. Ms. Liu was two months pregnant at that time. During the detention, she asked for a physical checkup and the police ignored her request. Knowing her physical condition, the police still locked both her hands and feet together with heavy shackles, thus preventing her from sitting up straight. She suffered this kind of inhuman torture until she was seven months pregnant. Then, she was forced to terminate her pregnancy and was sent home.

Only half a month later, Ms. Liu was arrested again and sent to a brainwashing center. Liu Sujun went on a hunger strike and even refused to drink water to protest the arrest. Her mother could not bear to see her daughter suffering so she went to appeal to the county government. After five days of being on the hunger strike, Liu Sujun was released.

In 2001, Liu Sujun was arrested again, and is still imprisoned as of today.

Her husband, Wang Jiangdong, is the head of Bencheng Township, Luannan County. His home phone number is 86-315-4281950.

His office address: Bencheng Township, Luannan County, Hebei Province. Post Office number: 063502