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Australia: Practitioners in Melbourne Promote Dafa and Clarify the Truth in front of Chinese Consulate to Support US Lawsuit against Jiang

June 8, 2004 |   By a practitioner in Melbourne

On May 28 at 3:00 a.m. Australia time (May 27, 5:00 p.m. Chicago time), Falun Gong practitioners in the city of Melbourne concluded continuously sending forth righteous thoughts, promoting Dafa, and clarifying the facts about Dafa for four days and nights in front of the Chinese Consulate.

In order to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Chicago on May 27 and to let more and more people know the truth about Falun Gong, practitioners in Melbourne started a four-day-and-night event to promote Dafa and clarify the facts in front of the Chinese Consulate on May 24. At the same time they also continued to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions and inform the residents and passersby near the consulate about Jiang's evil conduct and the status of the lawsuits against Jiang around the world.

The Chinese Consulate in Melbourne is located on Tooark Road, where there are many residents and pedestrians, and even after midnight many vehicles pass by. Nearly 70 local practitioners participated in the activities. The cold weather did not deter them. In fact, their efforts during this abnormally windy and rainy time made their truth-clarifying activities about the lawsuit against Jiang create a deep impression on people's hearts.

The practitioners who stayed in front of the consulate for 96 hours said, "We don't act violently. We only hope to solve problems through normal legal measures. We want to tell people that it is not allowed to continue the persecution of Falun Gong. We hope the lawsuit against Jiang will bring hope to the Chinese people. Righteousness will eventually triumph over evil."

The huge banners and posters exposing the brutal persecution and the practitioners all standing opposite the consulate attracted people who passed by, lived nearby or had come to the consulate on business. When they stopped to look, the practitioners further clarified the truth and cleared up their misconceptions. Many people learned about the truth of the persecution and the lawsuit against Jiang for the first time. They were moved by so many persecution cases and shocked by the number of lawsuits against Jiang around the world. Some Chinese people who had been deceived by the Jiang regime's lies were shocked when they learned the facts. One of them asked for many truth-clarifying leaflets on his own initiative saying, "I was blind to all this in China. Traveling abroad opened my eyes!"

When a Western student from the Journalism Department of Monash University in Melbourne finished reading the literature and posters, she asked about the truth of the persecution and the status of the lawsuit against Jiang. She said, "This is the first time I've heard about being persecuted for believing in truthfulness, compassion, forbearance or the lawsuit against Jiang. Do you have more information? I am going to expose this situation to all the universities in Melbourne by writing articles about it." She asked for more details from the practitioners.

On May 26 at 11:30 p.m., an elderly Chinese man came to the practitioners who were sending forth righteous thoughts. He said, "I am sorry to bother you. I am a resident here. I have been observing you every day. It is not easy for you to keep this up. It has already been three or four days and nights. I brought you some food." Then he left a bag of tangerines for the practitioners.

On May 27, during the final daytime activities, an employee walked out of the gate of the Chinese Consulate and looked at the practitioners who were sitting in meditation. He waved to a practitioner who was distributing flyers to passersby. This practitioner approached him. The employee said with sincerity, "You have been here for several days. You have been working hard. Take care!"

Four days and nights is a long time. But all the practitioners are happy. As one practitioner said, "If people can know the truth, we don't care about the hardship!"

At 3:40 a.m. the practitioners cleaned the trash around the Chinese Consulate and then left.