Good Methods to Clarify the Truth with Luggage (Photos)
Sept. 14, 2004
By a Washington DC practitioner
( It is sometimes burdensome clarifying the truth
outdoors when you have suitcases. At a Fa-promoting site, a lot of suitcases can
appear untidy. Here we have a method to make use of suitcases to promote Dafa
and clarify the truth. It solved the problem of carrying truth materials, places
to store luggage, and displaying posters.
- One suitcase with extendible handle, the longer the handle the better. This
kind of case can be carried on the back or pulled with wheels on the ground.
- A versatile poster frame. Please see this article:
We now have many versatile poster frames in New York City.
Assembly Instructions:
- Fully extend the suitcase handle and tie the versatile frame to the handle
as the picture shows. Next, use nylon fastener to position the poster on the

- Carry some flyers in a backpack. Note: please have one flyer in your hand.
How to use:
Here are a few suggested methods for using the suitcases:
- Attach two posters to the frame. This is suitable for locations at street
corners where passersby come from both directions. The more weight in the
suitcase, the more stable it stands.

- Two posters facing one direction. This is suitable for places along a
wall. If you have four posters, you can have two posters on each side. So on
each side there will be one picture introducing the exercises and one about
the tortures.

- Carrying the case on your back. This works well for walking in the street,
and you when you can't put the luggage on the ground.

- If a group of practitioners has many suitcases, you need not to worry
about where to store them. A few suitcases can turn into a picture show.

If you have any difficulty to make or print posters, please contact
Washington DC practitioners: