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New York: A Spirited Style of Truth-Clarification in Central Park (Photos)

Sept. 2, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in North America

(Clearwisdom.net) An art performance team comprised of Falun Gong practitioners from Toronto clarified the truth about Falun Gong in a spirited manner in New York's Central Park. Their truth-clarification effort received positive feedback.

On Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004, Central Park in New York was busy with people relaxing and those who came for the Republican National Convention. Many were fascinated by the art performance by Falun Gong practitioners from Toronto in the southeast part of the park. A group of women practitioners in colorful costumes danced to the music. Their performances included a fan dance, traditional Dai dance, demonstration of Falun Gong exercises and waist drum play. Falun Gong practitioners from other places joined their performance and distributed truth-clarification materials.

As people came in one group after another, Falun Gong practitioners gave art performances, distributed piles of flyers and told crowds of people the true story of Falun Gong. Reporters from the New York Times, NBC News and some other media interviewed Falun Gong practitioners. A husband and wife who were supporters of the Republicans asked Falun Gong practitioners, "How long do you think the persecution will last? One year, two years, ten years or twenty years?" A practitioner said, "I believe it won't be too long!" They said, "Good luck to you!"

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Traditional Chinese fan dance in Central Park

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A reporter from the New York Times interviews a Falun Gong practitioner.

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Demonstration of five sets of Falun Gong exercises

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A photographer from NBC News takes video of fan dance

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A young Falun Gong practitioner plays the flute.

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Crowds of people watch art performance by Falun Gong practitioners

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A man and wife learn details of the persecution and say, "Good luck to you!"