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A Falun Dafa Practitioner Is Released Unconditionally As Fellow Practitioners Break Free of Notions and Coordinate As One Body

Jan. 28, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Hebei

(Clearwisdom.net) Since May 2004, over a dozen Falun Dafa practitioners in our area have been abducted as a result of going online to expose the persecution. Most practitioners were sent to the district brainwashing center. Two were sentenced to forced labor.

Among the practitioners abducted is a teacher who was taken into custody and placed in a detention center for presenting the truth at school. One month later the practitioner was able to walk out of the detention center with righteous thoughts. However, the school principal was deeply misled by the lies spread by the state-run media and suspended the practitioner from the teaching post. After receiving a truth-clarifying letter written by the kindhearted practitioner, the school principal not only refused to heed the advice, but also sent the practitioner to the district brainwashing center.

Under such circumstances, some of us developed notions that since even "diligent" practitioners were not doing everything right, how could this practitioner handle the brainwashing sessions? After all, this practitioner started practicing Falun Dafa only after learning about the truth of the persecution. Most of us assumed that this practitioner would never walk out again without signing some statements renouncing Falun Dafa. Although we did not say so publicly, we thought subconsciously that the practitioner could only end up in a labor camp. One month passed. The practitioner remained steadfast, while conducting himself calmly, clarifying the truth and sending forth righteous thoughts regularly, and not compromising in the least.

Some practitioners exchanged thoughts that we should let go of various human notions, hold strong righteous thoughts, and not condone the unchecked persecution of our fellow practitioners. We should demand the immediate release of Falun Dafa practitioners. Whatever evil things we run into, we should confront them and expose them, and turn the situation into an opportunity for offering salvation to sentient beings. As a result, we started with the rescue of this schoolteacher practitioner, focusing on the school principal, who was primarily responsible for the persecution, and launched an all-out campaign to raise public awareness of the persecution among residents and those in the local school system.

Some practitioners wrote articles and posted them on the Internet, some produced self-adhesive signs and posters that presented the facts, some visited family members of the abducted practitioner and explained to them why we should demand an unconditional release from the officials in charge. Almost all practitioners took an active part in the truth-clarifying activities and in sending righteous thoughts.

The feedback that came in a few days was that "the school principal could not handle the pressure of seeing so many signs, receiving text messages on the cellular phone and long distance calls from practitioners from the United States, Japan and Canada...."

The school principal voluntarily visited higher authorities as well as the practitioner's family to discuss a solution. On December 7, the practitioner was brought home safely. Throughout this rescue, the practitioner's family members have been eyewitnesses of the power of Falun Dafa. They have come to know the Fa, and be grateful for the Fa and the joint rescue efforts by Falun Dafa practitioners.

On behalf of practitioners in China, we hereby express our appreciation to overseas practitioners who have made phone calls and otherwise validated the Fa under other circumstances.

Each Falun Dafa practitioner who participated in the rescue effort has witnessed the mighty power of the Fa, the mighty power of practitioners as a whole. We have realized that our next effort is to rescue those practitioners who remain in custody at the labor camp, while exposing the evil forces in our area and offering salvation to sentient beings. We hope more and more practitioners will let go of various human notions and take an active part in these efforts as we all strengthen ourselves with righteous thoughts.

December 15, 2004