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Deputy Chief at Harbin Women's Drug Rehabilitation Center: "I Haven't Used Up My Death Quota Yet!"

Jan. 30, 2005 |   By practitioners in Heilongjiang Province of China


Since April 25, 1999, the Harbin Women's Drug Rehabilitation Center in Heilongjiang Province has been one of the places where Falun Gong practitioners have suffered the most brutal persecution. Many female practitioners who have maintained their firm belief in Dafa have been sent to the Harbin Women's Drug Rehabilitation Center. The police assign drug addicts to closely monitor all practitioners during their daily activities. They are not allowed to speak with anybody. The police play videotapes slandering Dafa every day. The daily time allowed for sleep is limited to 3 or 4 hours.

In October 2002, Jiang's regime ordered that the focus of the persecution be concentrated on those practitioners whose belief in Falun Dafa has remained steadfast. Since then, the Drug Rehabilitation Center has escalated the torture and persecution of practitioners. Policewoman Ye Na shocked practitioners with electric batons. The police handcuffed practitioners for a long time, not allowing them to sleep. They even stripped off practitioners' clothing, forced them to squat down, and opened all of the windows in the room, thus subjecting them to freezing temperatures. If they moved even a bit, the police brutally beat and kicked them.

Policeman Dong Shaoxin, 34 years old, has tortured practitioners in the basement of the Center. He taped their mouths and blindfolded their eyes so that the practitioners were unable to cry out or see anything during their painful torture. The only voices they heard in that basement were policemen shouting. Dong Shaoxin even shouted, "Who dares not to obey? I'll settle with her!" I have heard from him that a practitioner who suffered from being beaten in the Drug Rehabilitation Center was one of his relatives.

Policemen even tore female practitioners' vaginas with their hands and then poured salt on the wounded area. They pinched the inside of the practitioners' thighs and beat them black and blue, resulting in cuts and bruises all over their bodies. The police also placed dead mice on the bare chests of female practitioners. The police allowed others to watch while they viciously cut the practitioners' hair, leaving one side of the head with hair and the other half shaved. The policemen used mental torture to humiliate those female practitioners, just as had been done during the Cultural Revolution.

Some practitioners have been tortured with the "iron chair" (1). They are also locked up for a long time in small confinement cells only 1 meter high and 1 meter wide. During the Spring Festival of 2003, Deputy Chief Liu declared publicly, "Are there any Dafa disciples who want to make trouble? I haven't used up of my death quota yet."

(1) The "iron chair" is made of iron pipes. Victims are restrained on the iron chairs with both arms and legs tied for a long period of time. See illustration at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/1/9/17577.html

January 14, 2005