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Japan: Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibition in Front of Omiya Railway Station (Photos)

Jan. 30, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 22 and 23, 2005, practitioners in Saitama-ken County held a 2-day anti-torture exhibition in front of Omiya Railway Station, to let more local Japanese know about the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin's regime and the Chinese Communist Party.

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The Anti-torture exhibition site
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Passers-by viewing photos that expose the facts of the brutal persecution

A middle-aged Japanese woman was shocked by the torture method "digging bamboo sticks into the fingers." The practitioner who reenacted the torture method is an elderly woman. Her lifelike reenactment deeply touched the woman who then asked the practitioner: "Where were you tortured like this in China? Do you have relatives? Why have you been tortured so severely? How can I help you?" After another practitioner explained to the woman that this was just a reenactment in order to reveal the brutality of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, the woman calmed down. She said, "Thank goodness! However, such brutal torture must be stopped immediately."

Another torture method reenacted was the one in which one's body and legs are tied together tightly and one's arms are twisted behind the back. The practitioner who reenacted this torture was a practitioner from China and he had indeed been tortured this way. He told reporters: "This torture causes extreme pain. However, what we can show here is just a tip of the iceberg. The persecution in China is even more brutal."

A secretary of the county commissioner passed by the exhibition site and was shocked by the photo exhibit revealing the tortures used against practitioners. He attentively listened to practitioners tell of the brutal persecution in China and stayed at the exhibition site for about half an hour.

Though it was very cold, all of the practitioners were very active in telling passers-by the facts about the ongoing persecution in China.