Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Australia: Promoting Falun Dafa in the Suburbs of Sydney (Photos)

Jan. 30, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On Australia Day, January 26, Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in a community celebration event in the suburbs of Sydney. This was the fifth time that practitioners were invited to this community's annual celebration. As practitioners have been participating in the activities of this community for the past 5 years, most of the local people have learned about Falun Gong and the truth about the persecution. Many people expressed a wish to learn the practice and asked where a Falun Gong instruction workshop would be held. Upon learning that the persecution is still ongoing, many said that the Chinese government's continued violation of human rights is hard to understand and is unacceptable.

Practitioners' information booth

Exercise demonstration

Exercise demonstration