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Summary of Other Articles and News - January 21, 2005

Jan. 30, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

1. The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Chongqing

According to a preliminary estimate, since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the Chongqing 610 Office has illegally detained 37 practitioners, sent 15 practitioners to forced labor camps, and has sent four practitioners to reeducation through labor. The 610 Office has ransacked the homes of 20 practitioners, resulting in the forced homelessness of ten practitioners. Five practitioners have suffered disability from torture, one practitioner has suffered a mental collapse, one practitioner has disappeared and is unaccounted for, and one practitioner from the Tongyong area, of the Jiangbei District, Chongqing has been tortured to death.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Zhenghua is 55 years old and is a retired employee of the Tongyong Corporation Ltd. in Chongqing. In the afternoon of July 21, 2004, officers from the Shimahe Police Station in the Jiangbei District abducted her when she was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. She escaped the next evening with the power of righteous thoughts. Later, Ms. Li was again abducted and held at the Jiangbei Detention Center where the perpetrators stomped on her legs until they fractured.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Kaiping is 58 years old and is a retired employee of the Chongqing Chemical Industry Research Institute. In the afternoon of September 8, 2004, perpetrators from the Jiangbei District Police Department, the National Security Bureau, and an individual named Deng from the Security Division of the Research Institute, broke into Wang Kaiping's home, ransacked it and took her away. They held her at the Liziba Detention Center in the Yuzhong District.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Yongying is 55 years old. She is the family member of an employee of the Chongqing Chemical Industry Research Institute. At 11 p.m. on July 23, 2004, perpetrators from the Jiangbei District Police Department, from the National Security Bureau, the Security Division of the Research Institute and the Street Party Committee broke into her home and abducted her. Because Li Yongying and her family resisted the persecution with the power of righteous thoughts, she was released the next day. On November 10, 2004, the perpetrators again broke into Li Yongying's home and took her away. Ms. Li is being detained at the Yiwanshui Detention Center in the Yubei District.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Suyun is around 65 years of age. She was abducted from home on December 3, 2004. She and her family resisted the persecution with righteous thoughts. She was held at Jiangbei Detention Center for one month, but broke free with the power of righteous thoughts in January 2005.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Lu is 50 years old and practitioner Ms. Zou Shide is 68 years old. They are retired employees of the Tongyong Factory in Chongqing. In the evening of July 23, 2004, the police ransacked their homes and abducted them. They released the practitioners after the other local practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts for over ten days. The perpetrators threatened to ransack the home of each and every Dafa practitioner in the Tongyong area, and they followed several practitioners for a period of time.

Around October 2004, perpetrators from the 610 Office trained 40 police officers in the Tongyong area to stake out the areas around several practitioners' homes around the clock.http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/1/21/93933.html

2. Recent Persecution Cases against Dafa and Dafa practitioners in Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province

Practitioner Mr. Yu Tianyou is a 63-year-old farmer. The perpetrators had designated him as "Wanted by the Police" for three years. Mr. Yu was followed on the evening of August 13, 2004 [Chinese lunar calendar] and the perpetrators abducted him at his rented home. Mr. Yu broke free on the sixth day of the illegal detention but had to become homeless in order to avoid being arrested again.

Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiulan is 46 years old and a laid-off worker from the Grain Distribution Station. She was forced to leave home after a Dafa materials production site was exposed. The perpetrators are trying to abduct her. Her two children are left at home uncared for and their financial situation is very difficult.

Mr. Wang Liqin, 28 years old, is a target of pursuit from the Anhui provincial government. After he was illegally held at a labor camp for one year, Mr. Wang went to Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province. On November 28, 2004, perpetrators abducted him when he helped move a Dafa materials production site to another location. Wang Liqin is currently being held at the Taihe County Detention Center in Fuyang City, Anhui Province.


3. The Crimes of Li Jun, from the Huanan County Police Department, Heilongjiang Province

Li Jun, head of the Huanan County Police Department's National Security Bureau in Heilongjiang Province, has been persecuting Dafa practitioners for the past five years. Many Dafa practitioners clarified the truth to him and sent him flyers. He received karmic retribution for his misdeeds several times but refused to change his ways. Li Jun continued to abduct practitioners and extort money from them. Since the winter of 2004, he has arrested many practitioners, including one practitioner on December 14. Around 4:00 p.m. on January 14, 2005, Li Jun led Wang Jinfeng, Huang Xiaodong and Chen Yujun, and broke into the home of practitioners Liu Shuxian and Zhang Youjin (a married couple). They abducted the couple and took them away, along with practitioner Yan Xifa who was visiting at the time.


4. Persecution at the Qixing Farm Brainwashing Center, of the Jiansanjiang Administration Bureau in Heilongjiang Province

Practitioner Zhang Xuehua from the Qindeli Farm in Tongjiang City, Heilongjiang Province was held for an extended period at the Qixing Farm Brainwashing Center, of the Jiansanjiang Administration Bureau until she suffered a mental collapse. In April 2002, the local police abducted Ms. Zhang and sent her to the brainwashing center. She held a hunger strike for over one month in protest of the illegal detention, until December 2002, but the police still refused to release her. Instead, they sent Zhang Xuehua to a mental hospital where she was injected with unknown drugs for over two months. After she was released, in 2003 the local police again abducted her after she went to Beijing to validate Dafa. They again sent Ms. Zhang to the brainwashing center. Ms. Zhang held a hunger strike and was force-fed. Her head was smashed against the window and she collapsed to the floor, with her head covered in blood. Zhang Xuehua is still being illegally held at the brainwashing center.

Practitioner Zhang Shoufen from Qixing Farm was abducted numerous times and was sent to the local farm detention center, the longest detention being more than six months. The local perpetrators illegally sentenced her to two years of forced labor. On October 2, 2002, perpetrators from the local 610 Office took Ms. Zhang from the labor camp and sent her directly to the Qixing Farm Brainwashing Center. They released her in September 2004. In December 2004, the authorities again sent Ms. Zhang to the brainwashing center.

Zhang Shoufen's husband, Dafa practitioner Yu Huaidong, was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor, and his sentence was extended by six months. After his release, Mr. Yu was abducted again and sent to a custody center located at a remote farm. In January 2002, he was sent to the brainwashing center; on February 2002 he was again sentenced to a forced labor term of three years' duration. Yu Huaidong is now being held at the Suihua Forced Labor Camp.

Practitioner Liu Peicai from the Qixing Farm is in his late 60s. In April 2002 he was abducted and sent to the brainwashing center and was released in March 2003. In December 2004, Mr. Liu was again sent to the brainwashing center where he continues to be held.

Practitioner Liu Wenying from the Qixing Farm is in her 60s. She was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor, and has been sent to the brainwashing center three times. Ms. Liu is currently still being held at the brainwashing center.

Practitioner Shi Mengchang from the Qixing Farm was sentenced to one year of forced labor. He was abducted numerous times and was sent to the local Farm Custody Center. In January 2001, Mr. Shi was sent to the brainwashing center where he held a hunger strike in protest, and was force-fed. Liu Zhongshan, the deputy head of the Qixing Farm Police Station, beat Mr. Shi until his head was severely wounded. In February 2002, Shi Mengchang was sentenced to three years of forced labor and he is now being held at the Suihua Forced Labor Camp.

Practitioner Zhou Yan from the Qixing Farm, the Jiansanjiang Agriculture Administration Bureau, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. She is now being held at the Harbin Women's Prison.


5. The Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Wu Xiumei From Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

On New Year's Eve 2001, practitioner Wu Xiumei returned home after posting truth clarification flyers. Xie Lijun, the police chief, and Zhang Zhiwei, the deputy chief of the Dongxiaozhuang Township Police Station and other perpetrators broke into her home and abducted her. They held her at the county detention center for 15 days. On April 6, 2002, Shan Zhenglu and others went to Wu Xiumei's home three times and deceived her and her husband into coming to the government office. They held Wu Xiumei in a detention center for 24 days.

On May 2, Wu Xiumei and several other practitioners held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Perpetrators from the county's 610 Office dragged them from their beds and threw them to the ground repeatedly. Wu Xiumei could not get up afterwards. In the evening she was transferred to the township police station where seven or eight men forcibly gave her an IV infusion and force-fed her several times. In the afternoon of June 27, 2002, when Wu Xiumei has not yet recovered from the abuse, Shan Zhengjun led a group of perpetrators and they again abducted her and took her to the county detention center. They then held her at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding for two years. The guards at the camp beat and kicked Ms. Wu, shocked her with electric batons, stuffed her mouth with dirty rags, and tried to force her to write Repentance Statements renouncing Falun Dafa. They slapped her face so hard that her ears rang for a long time afterwards. In late October 2003, guards Zhang Yanyan and two other torturers whose last names were Duan tortured Ms. Wu by shocking her with electric batons and beating and kicking her until midnight. Ms. Wu's body was covered with bruises and wounds. In spite of her injuries, the perpetrators from the county police department still harassed her.


6. Dafa Practitioner Geng Yumei of Zhuolu County Has Been Abducted and Tortured by Perpetrators from the 610 Office

In October 2004, perpetrators from the Zhuolu County 610 Office in Hebei Province abducted, detained and tortured several Dafa practitioners. At 6:00 a.m. on October 2, 2004, Dong Fei from the county 610 Office and Zhang Jun and Yan Xuejun from Zhuolu Town abducted 60-year-old practitioner Ms. Geng Yumei. They held her at the Zhuolu Detention Center. Later they sent her to the Shalingzi Brainwashing Class where Geng Yumei vomited nonstop. Her body shook and she could not speak. Perpetrator Ban Zhiyong verbally abused Ms. Geng and beat her, then tried to throw her into a ditch.

Geng Yumei was later sent to the Zhangjiabao Hospital where the perpetrators beat and threw her to the floor until her spine was dislocated and she became incontinent. Perpetrator Li Zhiming pinched Ms. Geng's face until it turned black. The doctor said, "This woman's body is cold; I can't get the IV fluid to enter her veins; I can't take her here." Ms. Geng was taken back to her work unit. To this day, she still cannot take care of herself.
