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The Jiang Faction's Persecution and False Propaganda Destroyed My Family Life

Jan. 30, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) During the Cultural Revolution, children severed ties with their parents, and men and women disclosed and denounced their spouses. False propaganda and political persecution broke family ties and destroyed the basis of humanity in China. The 5-year persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang's regime has also produced many family tragedies. Misled by the media's false propaganda and afraid of the Jiang faction's tyranny, the husband of Ms. Wang Cuifang, a Falun Gong practitioner residing in Laixi City, Shandong Province, sent his own wife to a psychiatric hospital and tortured her because she refused to give up her belief. The following is the tragic story, told by Wang Cuifang.

My name is Wang Cuifang, and I am a native of Zhaili Village, Rizhuang Town, Laixi City, Shandong Province.

On May 11, 2000, my fellow practitioners and I went to Yunshanguan Market to practice the Falun Gong exercises and show that "Falun Dafa is Great." We were arrested and forced into a police car by policemen from the Pingdu Police Station, and later transferred to Laixi Detention Center where we were illegally interrogated. Three days later, my husband, Sun Yude, sent his deputy plant manager Wang Ruixing, driver Yu Kunyi and others to the detention center to "take me home." That was a lie. Instead of taking me home, they took me to the Laixi Psychiatric Hospital. The doctors there administered injections and forced me to take drugs. I told them that I practiced Falun Gong and was in good health. Because of my refusal to cooperate with them, about six doctors and nurses brutally tied me to a bed and gave me injections that damaged my central nervous system. They also fed me unknown drugs every day. I refused to take the drugs. The nurses then ground the pills into powder and put them into a tube. They inserted the tube into my nose to force the drugs into me, making my nose bleed. Because of the reaction to the drugs, I felt dreadful all the time.

A month later, my father, daughter and son came to the hospital to visit me. They told me that I had to turn in my Falun Dafa books before I could go home; otherwise, they said, I had to wait until I spent the savings of our entire family in the hospital.

I was persecuted in the hospital for five months, and each day felt like a year. My husband did not visit me for the entire period. I could not take it anymore and turned in the books. My husband then took me home. In order to get my books back, I locked myself in a room and began a hunger strike. My husband didn't care about my well-being and refused to give the books back to me. Only after my mother's persuasion and exhortation did he return all my books.

In October 2000, my husband assaulted me because I practiced the exercises. He simply did not allow me to practice the exercises. In November 2000, he beat me again because I went out in the evenings to post banners and Dafa truth clarification posters. He used a shoe to beat my head and face, breaking my nose. Eventually, he dragged me out of the house and wouldn't let me back in. Because I steadfastly practice Falun Dafa, my husband routinely beats and mocks me even now. He gets angry, smashes furniture and mocks me if I clarify the truth to him.

My daughter Sun Lina, a college student, is also brainwashed by the Jiang regime's false propaganda and doesn't know the truth. She frequently says things that are not respectful to Dafa and Master Li.

Sun Yude, Ms. Wang Cuifang 's husband: The Second Food and Cooking Oil Processing Company, Laixi City, Shandong Province, 86-13806425107 (Cell phone), 86-532-3461108 (Home)

Sun Lina, Ms. Wang Cuifang 's daughter: The Environmental Protection Agency, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, 86-13853297782 (Cell phone), 86-532-8230297 (Home)

January 9, 2005