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The Brutal Torture of Practitioners in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp, Hebei Province

Jan. 30, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province has been detaining Falun Dafa practitioners since 2000. According to former prisoners, the evilness of their persecution should top the list of forced labor camps in Hebei Province. They often brutally torture practitioners and beat them beyond recognition. Below are several examples of the viciousness of the persecution at Gaoyang Labor Camp.

Intensified Persecution of Individual Practitioners

On November 1, 2004, Li Shanghong from the Zhangbei County Police Department arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Cuiping from Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, and detained her in the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. When they tried to do a body search, Ms. Li refused to cooperate and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." Consequently, the prison officers punched and kicked her, stuffed dirt into her mouth, and shocked her with electric batons. Finally, they dragged her into a room and used a hand-cranked electric telephone generator (more torture-related information is available at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/1/19/44236p.htm) and an electric baton to shock her almost to the point of death. The officers then alternated pouring cold and boiling water over her head, claiming that it was to wash the dirt from her mouth. During the night they handcuffed Ms. Li to a wooden board to sleep. The next day they again beat, kicked, insulted and shocked Ms. Li with electric batons. Because Li Cuiping refused to eat, on November 3 they started to barbarically force-feed her, which made her pass out. They then took her to Gaoyang Hospital to be resuscitated. After they returned her to the labor camp, the officers continued to brutally force-feed her on November 4. After being tortured for four or five days in a row, Li Cuiping again lost consciousness. Next, the prison officers tried to give her an intravenous drip, but the needle wouldn't go in no matter how hard they tried. They again force-fed her for another two or three days. When Ms. Li shouted, "Falun Dafa is good," they again shocked her with an electric baton, covered her mouth with adhesive tape and handcuffed her to a bed. Finally, Li Cuiping stopped her hunger strike and was released back to her prison cell.

Ms. Liu Shuzhen, from Chicheng in Hebei Province, was once recognized as a model worker. She has twice been unlawfully detained in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp for a total of almost four years since December 26, 2000. She suffered extensive mental and physical tortures. As a result of this persecution, her health is much worse than before, her eyesight is poor, and sometimes her heart does not function normally. During the past few years, Ms. Liu has been subjected to the following physical abuses:

Torturing Practitioners to a State of Mental Collapse

Two Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to the point of mental collapse and are still being inhumanly detained. One of them, Ms. Qu Xiaoying, 34, is from Dongzhaizi Village in Liangwa Township, Anping County in the Hengshui area of Hebei Province. When she was admitted to the forced labor camp, because she refused to write the Guarantee Statement, female officer Zhang Yanyan hit her with an electric baton and injured her mouth. At the end of May 2004, because Qu Xiaoying sent forth righteous thoughts, Zhang Yanyan, Liu Huili, Shi Jiangxia and Zhou Haiyan used electric batons and leather belts to torture her for over an hour in the Maximum Security Unit's office in the West Building. In June, because Ms. Qu again refused to write the Guarantee Statement, Yang Zemin, Fang Bao, Chang Jinliang, Shi Jiangxia, Zhou Haiyan and others tortured her in Chang Jinliang's dormitory. They shackled her hands to iron rings on the ground and wrapped her fingers with wire from a hand-cranked electric telephone generator, cranking it to shock her for two days, while also using electric batons to shock her hands, neck, chest and other parts of her body. Ms. Qu became faint and collapsed. On September 23, a male non-practitioner detainee was caught after making an escape attempt, so Yang Zemin tortured him in front of all of the Falun Gong practitioners. Emotionally distressed by the sight of this torture, Ms. Qu became even more disoriented.

Ms. Zhang Sumei, who was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp on September 13, 2002, has been beaten up many times, shocked with electric batons and forced to undergo brainwashing. She eventually became mentally disordered as a result of the abuse. In order to cover up their crimes, officers in the Labor Camp are still keeping her in detention. Officers who tortured her include Yang Zemin, Li Xuejun, Fang Bao, Wang Zhitai, Liu Huili, Zhou Haiyan, and others.

The Torture of Li Runrun, Chen Yu and Liu Yuanzhen

Ms. Li Runrun, 38, is from Xiaoxinzhuang in Yaojiazhuang (the new high-tech district of Zhangjiakou City), Hebei Province. On June 8, 2004, officers Wang Guoyou, Jiang Linlin, Zhang Yanyan, Li Shuning and others handcuffed her to a bed. In an attempt to force her to write the Guarantee Statement, some of the officers pulled her hair while others kicked her with their shoes, stepped on her toes, and shocked her with electric batons. On June 28, Zhou Haiyan, Li Na, Fang Bao, Chang Jinliang brutally tortured Ms. Li again.

Ms. Chen Yu is a furnace factory employee in the Hengshui area. On June 11, 2004, in order to force her to renounce Falun Gong, Zhao Yuan started hitting her on the face. After the officer's hands got tired, she hit Ms. Chen's face so hard with heavy books that she eventually broke their spines. She beat Chen Yu the entire morning, disfiguring her face, which turned black, and giving her an earache. On the morning of June 15, Zhao Yuan, Fang Bao and others again shocked Ms. Chen with a hand-cranked electric telephone generator and punched and kicked her face and body. Chen Yu could no longer endure this torture, so she eventually wrote the so-called Guarantee Statement against her will.

Ms. Liu Yuanzhen, 38, is from Luquantun in Zhangnan Town, Wucheng County, Shandong Province. On November 22, 2004, Shi Jiangxia kicked Ms. Liu, ordered her to say, "Report" and to stand still. Ms. Liu refused to cooperate with the officer's requests, so Shi Jiangxia kicked her legs and Tian Zili hit her on the face with a book and forced her to stand stock still for more than two hours.

The Perpetrators

The officers who tortured Li Cuiping are: Yang Zemin, Li Xuejun, Chang Jinliang, Zhao Yuan, Fang Bao, Tian Zhili, and others.

The officers who tortured Qiao Lianying are from Chicheng, Hebei Province. They are: Yang Zemin, Liu Huili, Fang Bao, and Chang Jinliang.

The officers who tortured Li Xia are: Fang Bao, Li Xing, Wei Hongling, You Yanxiao, Wang Guoyou, Lu Yaqin, Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yanping, and Niu Lijun.

The officers who tortured Ma Guiying (from Zhangjiakou) are: Fang Bao, Chang Jinliang, Wei Hongling, Zhao Yuan, Lu Yaqin, and Shi Hongxia.

The following officers in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp used hand-cranked electric telephone generators, electric batons, willow sticks, wooden boards and their heavy shoes to torture Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Fengxia: Yang Zemin, Chang Jinliang, Fang Bao, Wei Hongling, Pan Miaolu, and others.

The following officers tortured practitioner Meng Junluo: Yang Zemin, Fang Bao, Ye Shuxian, Li Na, Zhao Yuan, Shi Jiangxia, Zhao Yanping and Lu Yaqin.

The following officers beat Wang Li'e: Lu Yaqin and Zhao Yuan.

The names of the female officers in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp: Shi Jiangxia, Li Yanji, Yang Na, Duan Yanrong, Jiang Linlin, Pan Miaolu, Zhao Erhong, Tian Zhili, Cui Yan, Zhang Jiwei, Zhong Shujuan, Zhou Haiyan, Li Na, Liu Huili, Duan Guanghui, and Zhao Yuan.

The names of the male officers in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp: Yang Zemin, Li Xuejun, Fang Bao, Chang Jinliang, Liang Baoke, Wang Guoyou, Wang Zhitai, Qi Dong, Yan Fei, Yuan Meng, Diao Liwei, and Zhen Liqiang.