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Summary of Other Articles and News - January 26, 2005

Jan. 31, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

1. Perpetrators at the Shuangcheng City Brainwashing Class Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners and Deceive the Public

On January 17, 2001, some residents of Shuangcheng City who practiced and used to practice Falun Gong were abducted and taken to the Qiulin Company in Shuangcheng City for a brainwashing class. In the evening they were body-searched. They were not allowed to wear shoes, were forced to stand barefoot, and later had to sleep on the concrete floor.

Several days before the Chinese New Year, a dozen practitioners held a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. They included Chi Yueling, Cheng Xianqin, Yi Guoqing, Wang Benying, Wang Yingjie, Men Shengying, Si Guiqin, Wei Zongling, Wei Zongying and Zhang Liyan. On the fifth day of the hunger strike, they were brutally force-fed. The perpetrators poured a large glass of milk into the practitioners' mouths so quickly that the practitioners choked and almost suffocated. They also force-fed the practitioners an unknown drug and concentrated saline solution. Chi Yueling had one tooth knocked out and two other teeth loosened and 66-year-old practitioner Ms. Wang Benying bled from her nose.

Practitioner Zhang Liyan was having her period and the perpetrators violently pounded on her abdomen until she lost consciousness. Her face was black and blue, foam came out of her nose and her body was cold. She has not been able to stand up since then, and she coughed up blood for a whole day.

Practitioner Yi Guoqing was beaten until he was dizzy and his vision blurry. Practitioner Wang Yingjie's face was disfigured from the beating; his nose bled and he coughed up blood for one-and-a-half months; 66-year-old practitioner Wang Benying lost sight in one eye and the other eye has had blurred vision from torture.

In a local TV news program, the perpetrators shamelessly claimed that they treated the practitioners very well. A young practitioner, Ms. Zhang Jianhui, was beaten until her face turned black and blue, and her leg had blood clots from being kicked; practitioners Ms. Li Qun, Ms. Yang Hua and Mr. Li were taken to the hallway and slapped in the face.

The perpetrators grabbed the practitioners by their hair and rammed their heads into the wall. Perpetrator Ran Lingcai pounded Yi Guoqing's face violently with his fists until Mr. Yi's eyes were bloodshot and he had two black eyes. His eyes were so swollen that they were only slits, his teeth were loosened and his lips were so swollen that he could not open his mouth to eat. Mr. Yi's upper lip was blackened and his face was black and blue. Ran also put a nylon rope around practitioner Cheng Xianqin's neck and tied her to a heating pipe, almost suffocating her. Ran Lingcai also slammed practitioner Chi Yueling's head against the heating pipe until she passed out and a tooth was knocked out.


2. Police officer Zhang Sidong and other perpetrators in Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province, commit crimes against Dafa practitioners

Officer Zhang Sidong from the Political and Security Division of the Fuyuan County Police Department, Heilongjiang Province and other perpetrators from the police department persecuted Dafa practitioners. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the police department forced work unit heads to guarantee that the Dafa practitioners who worked there would no longer practice Falun Gong. They extorted money from the practitioners, threatened them, tapped their home phones and installed monitors around their homes, persecuted their family and relatives, and blocked practitioners from leaving town. The authorities posted practitioners' pictures on the Internet as "Wanted by the Police," ransacked their homes and fined them, and otherwise tortured and interrogated practitioners. Many were sent to forced labor camps.

No less than 100 practitioners were abducted from Fuyuan County and the surrounding areas. Zhang Sidong sentenced nearly 30 practitioners to forced labor, in violation of the Chinese Constitution and forced many practitioners into homelessness.

In the winter, practitioner Zheng Yingchun voluntarily fixed the potholes in a public street, but Zhang Sidong wrote her name down, and in May 2002, a group of police officers broke into her home, ransacked it and took Ms. Zheng to a detention center. They illegally sentenced her to forced labor and later extended her sentence by 50 days. Zheng Yingchun was handcuffed and then hung up with a rope until one of her arms became disabled.
