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We Are Beings Created by Dafa

Jan. 31, 2005 |   By Yu Qing, a Falun Dafa practitioner in the Netherlands

(Clearwisdom.net) Attending the Fa conference in New York City marked my sixth trip to the United States this year, and my third time clarifying the truth in Manhattan.

I forgot to bring the invitation letter issued from the Fa conference. When I arrived at Customs before my connecting flight to New York City, I was taken to an office where a young policewoman questioned me. She asked some preliminary questions and then immediately got to the point of how much my monthly income was. I did not give her an answer right away. She then asked, "How much was your airplane ticket to the United States?" I told her it was between $500-$600. She then asked for an explanation of why I had made six trips this year to the United States.

I told her my first trip was to participate in the Year of China art performance. My second trip was related to protest activities regarding the former Chinese Chairman Jiang Zemin, who orchestrated the persecution of Falun Gong in China. My third trip.... Before I could finish, she interrupted me, "Who paid you?" I was surprised by this question. I replied that, "I paid all the expenses myself, of course." She looked at my passport and said to me in a stern voice, "If you cannot clearly explain your true purpose of coming to the United States, you're not leaving this office." Then she stood up and left. I thought, "I am doing the most righteous thing. Master is with me, and no one can stop me." I started to send forth righteous thoughts.

I thought that it was not coincidental that I came here. Falun Dafa practitioners are duty-bound to clarify the facts to the public. I took out some truth-clarifying materials and VCDs from my bag, and turned on my digital camera to locate some photos of large-scale group practices and torture exhibits. About twenty minutes later, the woman officer returned. She asked in a grave tone, "Can you tell me?"

I looked at her and said, "I came to the United States six times to support peaceful protests over the human rights situation in China. I'm a Falun Gong practitioner. Like many practitioners in America and around the world, I simply want to tell others what is going on in China. Falun Gong is a practice of five sets of exercises and teaches the principle of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. Practitioners have introduced the practice to over sixty countries. Since former Chinese President Jiang Zemin started the suppression five years ago, over 1,000 people have died from the persecution, and many have been tortured in prison. We came here to help more people know about the facts and appeal to the kindhearted people to help us end this persecution.

"Who paid you?" again she asked. I again answered, "Of course, myself." She said, "This is inconceivable. How could I believe you?" I looked into her eyes and said, "Yes, to many, this is inconceivable. But when you have heard that in China, often everyday, Falun Gong practitioners are dying from torture for refusing to give up their belief, and many more are living in pain and misery. Which are you going to choose, money or life?" I was filled with emotion and tears came down my face. The room was in dead silence. Nobody spoke a word. Everyone was looking at me.

I suddenly raised my head and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 2:45 p.m. There was only fifteen minutes left before the flight's departure for New York. I stood up and said, "I'm sorry, but I have to leave." The policewoman picked up my passport and stamped two marks on it. Then, she said in a low voice, "I guess you might not have enough time, maybe you could..." "Thank you!" I extended my hand to say goodbye to her and handed her the truth-clarifying materials, "I hope we may get support from all of you as well." When I ran to the main ticket counter, it was barely one minute before the takeoff. "Is it possible?" I handed over my ticket. The attendant located my flight from the computer terminal and smiled, "You're lucky. The flight has been delayed for an hour and ten minutes."

When I arrived at the gate, I remained excited. It occurred to me how different we are from others. We are beings created by Dafa.

December 13, 2004