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Use the Fa as the Standard to Follow the Correct Path

Jan. 31, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) In the article "My Version of a 'Stick Wake Up'", Teacher again reminds practitioners who have still been unable to let go of human notions and attachments that,

"Master sees that danger is already approaching you. I don't acknowledge the old forces' arrangements, and that includes this persecution, but I knew that the old factors who would be impacted by Fa-rectification would do this or that, it was just a matter of time and of which ones."

In our local area, several older practitioners have been interfered with or persecuted by the dark minions to various degrees. All kinds of confusion and misconceptions occupy their minds, causing some to struggle with illness-karma; and some to always feel tired, with their minds not clear when studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts or doing the exercises. Some have even lost their lives.

Dafa practitioners from neighboring regions generally have a clear understanding of these occurrences, and they realize that it is interference from the dark minions. These practitioners have been sending forth righteous thoughts to help eliminate the dark minions. Here, we'd like to discuss how we should understand such interference from the perspective of the Fa.

Those who have not let go of their fundamental human attachments and don't have a clear understanding of Fa-rectification have not cultivated diligently. They miss many opportunities to improve their xinxing. As a result, the old forces take advantage of these practitioners, and with the excuse of "getting rid of their attachments," cause interference and make it difficult for them to overcome. The more the practitioner cannot let go of his/her attachments, the more serious the tribulations will be. In the end, some practitioners can't overcome their tribulations and this allows the old forces to succeed.

These practitioners are also doing the three things that practitioners should do, but it is out of their own human notions. Their xinxing and understanding of the Fa fall short of the standards of genuine practitioners.

Why do the dark minions dare to interfere with these practitioners? It's because these practitioners usually have strong human notions. They have a complex social network in which their families sometimes make it difficult for them. This in turn generates many attachments. Basically, these practitioners have to overcome the obstacle of a predestined life cycle. Once their righteous thoughts are not strong enough, the dark minions will take their lives away. This can easily generate a negative impact on Dafa when such interference occurs, so these practitioners should pay special attention to this issue.

There is another issue with these practitioners. Whenever problems arise, they don't look at and understand the problems from the perspective of the Fa. Rather, they view the problems with a human mindset. In the end, they only defend things of ordinary society instead of the Fa. In "Digging Out the Roots" from Essentials For Further Advancement, Teacher talked about the issue of perspective. However, these practitioners have not studied the Fa thoroughly, so, whenever problems come up, they will use their human notions, instead of the Fa, to try to solve the problems. They always miss the correct path.

Those who are still hiding at home, not willing to come out to clarify the truth, have this particular problem. If we cannot look at things from the perspective of the Fa, we will surely deviate from the correct path.

Then there are some practitioners who have been through forced brainwashing and become muddle-headed. The authorities misinterpret Dafa on purpose and tell the practitioners to "maintain and harmonize the Fa at the ordinary people's level," to "learn from Lei Feng," etc. They want the practitioners to treat Fa-rectification as an ordinary people's issue. As a result, some of these practitioners start to think with human mindsets and deviate from the Fa. They begin to move towards the wrong side and eventually "confess" that they have been wrong in their practice of Falun Dafa. Thus they "enlighten" on an evil path. These practitioners will then be "transformed."

From many of Teacher's lectures, we should understand that as Fa-rectification Dafa practitioners, we should cultivate while fully conforming to ordinary society's way of living. We should let go of our human notions while doing the "three things" well, clarify the truth, and save sentient beings, so that we can accomplish our historical missions and pave the way for future cultivators. This is the only correct path that we should follow as Fa-rectification practitioners. If we can strictly follow this path, the old forces' arrangements can be completely negated. That way we are not just paying lip service. All the tribulations that the old forces have arranged for us are interference and persecution. Teacher does not acknowledge them, so we should absolutely defy them as well, and only follow the cultivation paths that Teacher has arranged for us. Silently putting up with such persecution and interference is actually going along the path arranged by the old forces.

How do we handle such problems? We should help these practitioners study and learn the Fa well. Help them look inwards, find their fundamental attachments and get rid of them while doing the three things well. Help these fellow practitioners to follow the correct cultivation path.

Since the Chinese communist party (CCP) took power in China, it has forced its own views upon the Chinese people, and has succeeded in convincing every Chinese citizen to look at things exactly as the CCP wants him/her to. People then think that the CCP is always right, and that anything against it is wrong. Throughout its evil rule in China, the CCP has carried out numerous political movements to maintain its power. Each political movement has resulted in the death of countless innocent people.

If one examined the CCP's point of view, one would think that killing innocent people is good, and that lying is ok too. To rule China, the CCP has continuously deceived people and covered up its evil nature. The CCP has consistently misled the Chinese people, as it has already confessed to the public that, "Thousands of lies make a truth." When Jiang took power, such evil manipulation of power reached its peak. The whole crackdown on Falun Gong was based on lies. This crackdown has poisoned minds all around the world. It's inevitable that the CCP, with its evil nature, would slander Falun Gong--the most righteous Way in the universe. Those that attack righteousness must be evil.

We are Falun Dafa practitioners. The Fa-rectification has renewed our very existence, and we must view all things, including ourselves, from the Fa's perspective. Only by doing that can we always see clearly the nature of our problems when they arise, and distinguish between good and evil. We can then follow our correct path in cultivation.