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Summary of Other Articles and News - November 10, 2005

Nov. 18, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

1. News from Harbin Women Prison

Many of the Falun Dafa practitioners detained in Harbin Women Prison are on hunger strike to protest their illegal prison terms. Practitioner Ms. Liu Shufen has been on a hunger strike for more than five months. Ms. Zhang Li and several others have been on hunger strikes since September 20. Ms. Wang Yuzhuo is suffering poor health from being severely tortured because she refused to give up cultivation. She has even been deprived the right to read her family letters. Ms. Lou Mingwei used to be locked in the First Ward, but she was tortured until she suffered bleeding in her brain. She has been confined to the patient ward ever since last year. Ms. Sun Fengjie is extremely thin.


2. Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Shuge from Kuancheng County, Hebei Province, Arrested

On September 20, 2005, practitioner Ms. Liu Shuge from Kuancheng County, Hebei Province, was illegally arrested and taken from her home in the middle of the night. She was tortured by having her clothes stripped off and being left outside overnight to freeze. On September 21, 2005, she was sent to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp, where she was brutally beaten and kicked. Ms. Liu has been on a hunger strike to protest, and now her life is in danger.


3. Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhou Yuzhu from Yitong County, Jilin Province, Arrested

On November 8, 2005, practitioner Ms. Zhou Yuzhu from Yitong County, Jilin Province, was reported, and arrested by local police to be detained for 52 days in the detention center. During this time, she was forced to stand for three whole days, not allowed to sleep, and interrogated, but she did not tell the authorities anything. After three days, her body grew scabs. They were so extremely itchy that she could not sleep for 46 days. Her left thumb was dry and cracked, and she had a huge infected bump on her forehead. She could not take care of herself for a while. After her family agreed to the 6,000 yuan extortion fee, police agreed to release her on a medical parole.
