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610 Officer Redeems Himself

Nov. 19, 2005


610 Officer Redeems Himself

A 610 Office member from a certain northern city made a lot of money from persecuting practitioners. He made so much money that he was able to buy a villa. Two years ago, however, his wife suddenly began suffering from headaches. Every day, at four specific times during the day, she would suffer intense headaches. The hospital couldn't figure out why. With nowhere else to turn, he asked a Buddhist who had his third eye opened. The Buddhist said that he saw that at those four specific durations of time, many swords were shooting into her head. The Buddhist told him, "Why don't you do some good deeds."

The 610 officer understood immediately, "This is like what the practitioners said, 'Good is rewarded with good and evil rewarded with evil.'" He decided to redeem himself and changed from the path of evil. His wife quickly recovered after that. Later he would inform practitioners beforehand whenever the local police were going out to arrest them.

Dafa's compassion is boundless, and chances are given to those who have committed wrongdoings.

Neighbors Supports Practitioner, Police Leave Empty-Handed

When a practitioner escaped arrest with righteous thoughts in a Hubei city, the police staked out his neighborhood, waiting for his return. The local villagers protested. The policemen said, "We are performing our public duties; it has nothing to do with you."

A villager said, "Isn't it enough that you have destroyed his family? They are good people, and they did nothing wrong. You guys aren't going after the criminals but are casually taking the good people away. What kind of public duty is this? We are neighbors here, and we come to each other's aid when there is injustice."

The police had no reply to that and left.

Why Don't You Accumulate Some Virtue for Yourself

On last year's Chinese New Year's eve, the police went to a neighborhood committee staff member and said, "Tell the practitioner that lives upstairs to come down here." The staff member asked, "Why? You want to arrest him?" The officers said, "Yes." Immediately the staff member said, "I am not going to be your spy. The practitioners always live their lives peacefully. You guys are arresting good people, and you want me to help? I won't do such a thing. Why don't you do some good and accumulate some virtue for yourself?" The two officers knew that what they were doing was wrong and left.