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Some Understandings from the Past Six Years of Cultivation

Nov. 19, 2005 |   By a Practitioner from Hanzhong, Shanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Having been tempered over the past six years, I realize more than ever the importance of Fa-study. Although the evil has been eliminated to a large extent and the environment is greatly improving, we should not slack off. The following is my understanding and enlightenment in Fa-rectification cultivation in the past few years that I want to share.

1. To Validate the Fa, We Have to Rectify Ourselves

First, we should study the Fa seriously and cultivate ourselves solidly. Then, no matter where we are, we will be good people. In fact, the practitioners cultivating in Dafa are blessed. We should have good health, good working environments, and harmonious family lives as long as we have righteous thoughts and actions. You don't need to say much at your work place or among your friends and relatives. They will naturally know that Falun Dafa is great.

The moral standard in this world is deteriorating rapidly. In such an environment, if you live by the Fa's standards, you will be outstanding, like gold in the sand. The people around the practitioners know how great Falun Dafa is from the bottom of their hearts because they have witnessed how the Fa has actually made practitioners rise to a higher level. Therefore, it is relatively easy to clarify the truth to them. That is how I realized the importance of rectifying oneself as we validate the Fa. Otherwise, if you don't cultivate well, you won't be able to do well. Yet, you are telling people we are good. It is likely to have a contrary effect. As a practitioner, if you don't do well, people will not say much good about you as an individual. Rather, they will say that the Fa is not good. Therefore, it is critical for practitioners to cultivate well.

2. Follow the Fa, Not Individuals

The path of cultivation and Fa-validation is different for each practitioner. Only with righteous thoughts and actions based on Fa-study can one achieve the goal of validating the Fa. Teacher asks us to take the Fa as Teacher. If you follow other people and not the Fa, it is not good for you in the first place because that is not the path you are supposed to embark on. A demon will take advantage of your loopholes to interfere with you and to bring losses to the Fa and unnecessary tribulation to you yourself. Secondly, it will bring tribulations to the person you follow. The old forces will do whatever they can to knock him down as a test to see whether others would continue with their cultivation. In addition, he himself is likely to develop an attachment that will be expanded and used by the old forces to have damaging results.

The reason for practitioners being able to do well in validating the Fa is that they study the Fa well. Good results are achieved from understanding the Fa principles. Without this, it is nothing. We can learn from others on how they make diligent progress, so as to be encouraged and make diligent progress ourselves. Yet, we cannot follow what they do.

3. Validating the Fa Should Not Follow a Particular Format

Teacher says in Rationality,

"Getting arrested is not the purpose. Validating Dafa is what's truly magnificent, and it is to validate Dafa that you step forward. Since you step forward, you should try to succeed in validating the Fa--this is the real purpose of stepping forward."

There are all sorts of ways to validate the Fa. No matter which one we choose, the best is the one that can really save sentient beings. We cannot focus on the superficial format.

For example, passing out flyers can reach a wide range of people quickly. However, if the content of the flyer is not suitable, it will have a negative effect. The more people it reaches, the greater the negative effect will be.

Clarifying the truth face to face is a good method. You can find out the attachments different people have and clarify the truth accordingly. The result is good, prompt, and solid. However, even clarifying the truth face to face won't have the effect of saving people if we haven't followed what Teach says in Rationality,

"Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy--this is establishing the mighty virtue of an Enlightened Being."

So, it is important to study the Fa-well.

4. We Should Look Within

During the Fa-rectification period, individual cultivation and the Fa-rectification go on simultaneously. Any conflict or tribulation taking place in our lives is inseparable from our attachments. If we do not study the Fa with a clear mind, we are likely to end up having tribulations due to our human behavior and mindset. If we do not look within, but attribute everything to interference from the dark minions and rotten ghosts, it is going to make things worse and lead to irreparable results. On the other hand, if you didn't have any attachments, who could move you anyway?

"If you are a true practitioner, our Falun will safeguard you. I am rooted in the universe. If anyone can harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put simply, that person would be able to harm this universe." (Zhuan Falun)

If you use sending forth righteous thoughts as a way to cover up your attachment, it is in vain. It's better to use our time well and study the Fa with a calm mind.

The above is what I enlightened to from the Fa. I sincerely hope that every Dafa practitioner could follow the paths arranged by Teacher to the end.