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We Must Enlighten from the Fa's Perspective When Dealing with Sickness Karma

Nov. 19, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) One day in April this year, I suddenly began coughing and wheezing to the point where I could barely breathe. I am over 60 and have not before experienced such intense sickness impacting my daily life. I could not walk or do the three things. What should I do? I was unable to study the Fa or do the exercises, so I listened to Teacher's lectures in Jinan. Fellow practitioners came and helped me to find the cause of my tribulation and sent forth righteous thoughts with me. I also kept my righteous thoughts.

One day my son took my husband and me to his house. On the way there, my "sickness" relapsed. I could not speak or walk. I asked my son to carry me upstairs, but instead he took me to the hospital.

The doctor hooked me up to an IV. I felt very sad. In 1994, I attended Teacher's lectures, and Teacher cleansed my body. My heart problems, high blood pressure, rhinitis and many other diseases were all cured. Teacher's benevolence and Dafa's power dispelled my illnesses. I will never forget that moment. Teacher cares for every genuine practitioner. Teacher purifies practitioners' bodies.

In Zhuan Falun, Teacher said,

"Guanding is a reinforcing method for purifying and further cleaning up your body. One will go through guanding many times--your body must be cleaned up at every level."

Teacher had purified my body by guanding in person. How could I possibly still have diseases? Buddhas want to save sentient beings, while demons want to destroy them. Practitioners who have sickness karma should wake up. Having enlightened to that, I sat up immediately and sent forth righteous thoughts. I implored Teacher to strengthen my righteous thoughts. I would use the divine power and the Fa to disintegrate the tribulations that the old forces had forced upon me. The old forces are not worthy of testing me. I do not acknowledge the old forces' interference.

About half an hour later my wheezing restarted. This time I was at ease in my heart. My son insisted on taking me to the hospital again. I refused. The sickness karma came all at once this time. It lasted for a long time and produced severe symptoms. I was on the brink of death. I asked Teacher for help, and Teacher helped me to overcome the danger.

By studying the Fa, I realized that I had had the following shortcomings:

I have not tried hard enough to remove my human notions. I was satisfied with what I had achieved and was very much attached to my sense of self. These were the main weakness the old forces exploited.

For a long time, I only did the meditation but not the first four sets of exercise. I did not pay attention to changing my body (Benti).

I did not completely let go of the attachment to fame and qing, especially desires and lust in my thoughts.

The mentality of showing off, complacency and competition showed up from time to time.

I felt that I did quite well in validating Fa and did not search inward for shortcomings. Only when severe problems arose did I realize the seriousness of my situation and started to look inward. Through the sickness karma, I realized that in doing well the three things, we must not overlook our personal cultivation. Only when we solidly cultivate ourselves can we elevate ourselves.