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Appreciating Artworks from the Exhibit, "For a Higher Truth: A Photographic Tale of Falun Dafa's Principled Resistance" (Part 3)

Nov. 19, 2005 |   Lina

(Clearwisdom.net) This photograph is quite touching. Falun Gong practitioners hold a large piece of yellow cloth while people sign it to express their support for Falun Gong.

A young man is signing the cloth against the gentle breeze that is pushing it out. A young woman is taking a photograph of another part of the cloth. Her action adds another story and another dimension to the photograph. The people in yellow shirts in the background are explaining to two passersby the facts about Falun Gong.

The color combination is beautiful and natural. The yellow cloth is accentuated, bringing the audience's attention to the theme of the event. The composition is clean and gives just enough details to tell the audience that the story is taking place in front of Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

First published in English at
