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I Witnessed with My Own Eyes the Crimes in Shaanxi Provincial Women's Labor Camp

Nov. 2, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, the Shaanxi Provincial Women's Labor Camp has adopted different kinds of extremely wicked means to cruelly torture and persecute Dafa practitioners. As a result, some Dafa practitioners' lives were endangered. Some became mentally disoriented and lost control of their bladders. Some practitioners were beaten until their bones broke and their front teeth were smashed in. The following are crimes that I witnessed with my own eyes that occurred in Shaanxi Provincial Women's Labor Camp.

Most guards in the Shaanxi Provincial Women's Labor Camp participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. For a long period of time, guards adopted the means of forcing practitioners to sit on a small stool, stand facing a wall, squat, and denied practitioners the use of a toilet and deprived them of sleep, etc. They isolated and imprisoned Dafa practitioners in solitary confinement for a long time and did not allow them to talk with anyone, buy anything, meet with anyone, etc. They did not let practitioners change their clothes, take showers or clean themselves.

The guards also abuse police weapons. An elderly Falun Dafa practitioner was beaten by guards in turn with batons for over eighty rounds. Police shackled Dafa practitioners for extended periods. Some practitioners' heels were pulled up in the air by shackles, with only the tip of the toe touching the ground. Some practitioners were shackled with their legs crossed. Some were shackled to an iron door or window in the hallway and suffered tremendously in the winter. The guards instigated criminals to persecute practitioners, to swear and beat them at will, and conspire to commit crimes against them. They pinched, twisted, kicked and beat, violently hit their heads with a comb, pricked with needles, spit water, and used their elbows to violently hit practitioners' waists, breasts, and backs. They forced Dafa practitioner to drink high-density salt water and to drink some unknown drug that made them mentally incoherent. They forced the practitioners to have bowel movements while standing up and then use their own clothes or quilts to wipe themselves, then throw them away.

In the winter of 2002, guard Dong Yanling instigated criminal Lin Xiaoting to pour cold water down a Dafa practitioner's neck. Several practitioners were physically punished and denied sleep for extended periods.

In April and May 2003, the police again cruelly persecuted several Dafa practitioners. The wicked deputy head Zhang Zhuoqing incited criminal Zhang Zhilan to tie up the practitioners' feet and hands, tape their mouths shut, constantly pour cold water on their faces until they passed out, then prick practitioners with needles and shout at them.

Unlawfully detained Falun Dafa practitioners were often forced to endure severe work overloads, and for very prolonged periods of time.

Police who participated in the long-term persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners: Zhao Xiaoyang, Zhang Zhuoqing, Dong Yanling, Bo Xiao, Zhang Yan, Li Cailian, Yanni, etc. I witnessed with my own eyes that police instigated criminals Li Guilan, Lin Xiaoting, Hua Yuping, Yang Hongge and so on to cruelly persecute practitioners again and again.

The 3rd Division of Shaanxi Provincial Women's Labor Camp: 86-29-86227767