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Walking Our Own Paths to Validate Falun Dafa

Nov. 20, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who lives in the countryside. I only had three years of elementary school education. I am writing my experiences about clarifying the truth, to share with our fellow practitioners.

I am very willful, quiet, and I do not do any coordinating work, but I have a solid heart in my belief in Master and Falun Dafa. I walked my path based on my solid faith, and have walked my own path to validate the Fa.

After July 20, 1999, all group practice sites were destroyed. I enlightened to the understanding that group practice and studying the Fa are the cultivating forms that Master left for us, and we must keep doing that. When the township government found out that our group practice site was still active, they came to stop me from going. I went to the township government office and told them, "We are practicing together to be better people, and there is nothing wrong with that. You took away our books. We cannot read at home, so we go to the group practice site and have a fellow who can recite the book recite it for us. Then we listen." They did not believe what I said, and came to our practice site. We asked the fellow practitioner to recite the book. The officials were checking his words with the book, and found that not a word was wrong. They said, "They memorized the book. We can do nothing to prevent them from studying the Fa." From then on, they stopped interfering with us.

I heard that the township office still had several copies of Zhuan Falun that they had confiscated from practitioners. I went to them again and said, "You have no use for those books, but we need them to study at home. Why don't you return those books to us?" He told me that some copies had been taken by officials to read at home, but that he would let me take the copies he had. From then on, the group practice site in my house has been going on to this day.

I am a carpenter, and I have contacts with thousands of families since I make furniture for them all year. I used this convenient situation to clarify the truth and save people. My toolbox always contains truth clarifying materials and VCDs. When I do my work, I chat with people a little bit about the facts of Falun Dafa, and I play the VCDs to people at meal times. I realized that the time is pressing, and we need to use every opportunity to save people. One person at a time is better than nothing. There are at least a thousand people that have learned the truth from me. People have now started calling me Falun Gong instead of my name. Kids are calling me Grandpa Falun Gong. They tell me, "Grandpa Falun Gong, I shout 'Falun Dafa is good!' every day."

Starting this year, we have been helping people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its organizations. I have already helped more than two hundred people withdraw from the CCP.

I have experienced too much in these past years to write them all down here. I just want to say one thing to my fellow practitioners: We are all Master's disciples, and we must listen to Master. Our cultivation paths are different, but our mission are the same - to save sentient beings and validate the Fa. We must use our environment and individual situation, and walk our own paths to validate the Fa.

Here I want to send greetings to our benevolent great Master and our fellow practitioners!