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Jilin Prison Persecuted Changchun Practitioner Liu Jingxin, Leaving Him With a Debilitated Body and Lifeless Eyes

April 12, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On March 11, 2002, Mr. Liu Jingxin was arrested while on his way to work, and later he was held in the No. 1 Changchun Tiebei Detention Center. After he was illegally detained for one year, he was sentenced to three and a half years in Jilin Prison. He suffered severe persecution there, which left him with a debilitated body and lifeless eyes.

Mr. Liu Jingxin, 32, is a staff member from the Changchun Organic Research Institute. He obtained Dafa while in college in 1994. He attended Master's seventh lecture series in Changchun.

On March 11, 2002, at about 9 a.m., police from Xian Square Station arrested him on his way to work. They interrogated him until midnight. Eight to nine people used various things to beat him, some with rubber clubs and some with mop handles. They hit his legs until the mop handle broke. Someone with leather boots brutally kicked his legs and chest. They slapped and punched him in the face. His hands were tied behind his back, with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then applied a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuffed them together. He was cuffed in this position for over 30 minutes, leaving permanent scars on his wrist.

The police put a plastic bag around his head to suffocate him at least twice. They wanted to force him to admit to distributing literature. He was sent to Changchun Tiebei Detention Center on March 13, 2002. Even though there was not enough evidence for sentencing, the authorities still held him in detention for over a year. Because this exceeded the holding period, Mr. Liu Jingxin was hastily sentenced to three and a half years in Jilin Prison.

The following information was provided by his relatives, who visited him this year:

We were notified to visit him on January 6, 2005. By January 4, 2005, the police from the Educational Department had already persecuted him severely for three days. When we went to see him again on February 1, 2005, he looked like a different person. He was extremely weak, with lifeless eyes. He looked pale and skinny, unable to move his left arm. The relatives learned that from January 4 to February 1, the prison intensified the persecution in order to "transform" him. They pressured him mentally and tortured him physically for twelve straight days. The police from the Educational Department said, "Talking is education, but torture is also education. The only difference is the method."

On February 6, 2005, a message was sent from the prison. It was Li Yongsheng from the Educational Department that ordered the physical torture, including stretching Liu Jingxin's four limbs out and tying them to four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. He could not move at all, and he was not allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom.

By the time his relatives visited him, Liu had already suffered for thirty-six days, including 12 days of intensified torture. He was cuffed to the bed for three straight days, and the remaining nine days included being subjected to the "sitting board," where he was forced to sit perfectly still in the same pose for eighteen hours or be beaten. He was also subjected to other forms of physical and mental abuse.