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Summary of Other Articles and News - April 1, 2005

April 12, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

1. Brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners at the Wuyuan County Labor Camp in Bameng, Inner Mongolia

Since July 20, 1999, perpetrators at the Wuyuan Labor Camp have ruthlessly persecuted Dafa practitioners. They have tied the practitioners with ropes, shocked them with high-voltage electric batons, ordered inmates to kick them and beat them with wooden planks, wooden sticks and pickax handles; they have detained the practitioners in solitary confinement, not allowed them to sleep and forced them to do slave labor, such as grinding precious stones. Almost every practitioner has been tortured.

Practitioner Mr. Chen Guangxing, former head of Tongliao City Police Station was detained in solitary confinement for several months. Because of the torture, his arms and hands are numb and lacking in dexterity even to this day. Practitioner Mr. Chen Changlin, from Linhe City, Bameng, remained steadfast in Dafa practice. Guards Mu Jianfeng and Sha Huimin shocked him with electric batons for a very long time. They put several batons in his mouth; the inside of his mouth, his tongue and lips swelled so severely that he could not open his mouth.


2. Persecution at the Tumuji Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia

The perpetrators at this labor camp founded a so-called "reform quarter" by blocking the door and windows of a room on the second floor of Tumuji Hospital. They lock the practitioners inside and take turns torturing them. Seven or eight perpetrators take turns brainwashing the practitioner with Dafa-slandering materials. They don't allow the practitioner to sleep for several days and several nights; they force the practitioner to stand up for extended periods of time. If the practitioners hold a hunger strike, the perpetrators handcuff the practitioners, pry their mouths open with metal implements and force-feed them with pepper water and salt water. Some practitioners have lost their teeth from the abuse. The perpetrators have also tortured the practitioners with electric batons, handcuffs, belts and ropes.


3. Atrocities at the Jiamusi Labor Camp: torturing practitioners until they sign agreements and forcing them to give their blood

On March 2, 2005, practitioners held at Jiamusi Labor Camp in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province who refused to sign agreements to be collaborators were brutally tortured. After 9 a.m. on March 2, the perpetrators forced the practitioners to sit on small stools; five guards beat the practitioners with electric batons and rubber clubs to force them to sign the agreement.

They beat and kicked the practitioners and shocked the practitioners' necks and mouths with electric batons. Practitioner Ms. Li Shumei was beaten twice and could not lift her head. She became partially paralyzed and suffered excruciating pain. Practitioner Ms. Yu Chunmei was held beyond her term and brutally beaten; her mouth became deformed from being shocked by electric batons. Practitioner Ms. Bao Lixia's face was deformed from the beating. She vomited blood as a result of being shocked by electric batons. Practitioner Ms. Gao Cuilan had swollen and severely bruised eye sockets and her neck became crooked from electric shocks. Guard Liu Yadong beat and kicked her. Practitioner Su Yanhua was tied to a chair and further tortured after being abused. The perpetrators violently hit practitioner Yan Xihua's back with police batons, which caused internal injuries and great chest pain.

Many practitioners were black and blue all over and could not walk. Practitioner Mr. Wang He was cuffed with his hands behind his back. They shocked his neck, hands, feet and head with 30,000-volt electric baton(s) for a long time, until he lost consciousness. He had two convulsions after he came to and suffered from a severe headache and swelling of the face. He still cannot walk.

Other practitioners, including Wang Xiuyun, Sun Xuelian, Zhuang Shuqing, Chen Ping and Li Chunqing, were also beaten. The guards forced the practitioners to sit on stools with screws on top to make them more uncomfortable and to watch Dafa-slandering videotapes. They also sent inmates to monitor the practitioners' posture.

On the afternoon of March 9, practitioner Ma Rujuan was dragged out and forced to donate blood. Practitioner Wang Yuhong's left hand was disabled from being tortured with the "Big Back Handcuff" [one hand is pulled over the shoulder to the back, the other hand is twisted to the back from the waist, then both hands are pulled forcefully together and handcuffed], and practitioner Wang Yingxia's right hand was disabled from the same torture. Practitioners Tong Li and Bao Lixia had injuries on one foot. Some practitioners suffered chest pains from the "Big Back Handcuff," some had their teeth knocked out from beating, and some had blurred eyesight.


4. The Persecution of practitioner Ms. Ma Xiaohua at Jiamusi Labor Camp

On April 22, 2003, practitioner Ms. Ma Xiaohua was handcuffed with her hands behind her back because she refused to write a "guarantee statement". Later she was tied to two planks; her feet and hips were tied with a rope, and she was not allowed to turn over for 25 days. She became extremely weak because of the torture and had diarrhea. On August 9, 2004, her sentence was extended by two months because she read Dafa articles twice.

On March 2, 2005, the practitioners were tortured for refusing to sign the collaboration agreement. Ms. Ma was beaten. One guard slapped Ms. Ma's right cheek so hard that it damaged her hearing. Her left shoulder, arm, ribs, right thigh and buttocks were black and blue from the beating. She experiences unbearable pain when she stands up and she also has difficulty walking. Her right elbow and wrist also hurt terribly and she cannot work. Ms. Ma wrote a letter to protest the persecution and gave it to the division head. Guard Li Xiujin then said to her, "If you write another letter, your term will be extended by one month."

Practitioner Fei Jinrong's term expired on January 21, 2005 but it was extended twice. On the evening of June 25, 2003, 56-year-old practitioner Ms. Lu Jing was handcuffed with her hands behind her back. She screamed from the excruciating pain because her arm that had fractured from the beating had not yet recovered when she was handcuffed again.


5. Security officers from the Petroleum University arrest practitioner Mr. Li Yeming and his wife Ms. Qiu Hongmei

On the evening of March 25, 2005, practitioner Ms. Qiu Hongmei who worked at the Xinda Labor Service Company, the Dongxin Oil Extraction Factory at the Shengli Petroleum Field was distributing truth clarification flyers at the Petroleum University. A student there reported her to the police, so security officers from the university arrested her. Late at night, the perpetrators took Ms. Qiu to her home and tried to ransack her home, but her husband Mr. Li Yeming, also a Dafa practitioner and an employee at the Engineering Survey Company of Design Institute, Shengli Petroleum Field, firmly resisted the persecution with righteous thoughts. The perpetrators waited outside the home and pulled the lever to cut off the electricity. They trapped Mr. Li in his home. On March 26, officers from the Security Division of the university tried to pry the door open several times, but failed in their attempt. Police officers stayed outside Mr. Li's home, which was on the fifth floor. Several police cars and many police officers waited in front of the building.

On March 27, on orders from the Department of Public Security in Shandong Province, officers from the university's Security Division destroyed the door lock and ransacked Mr. Li's home. They took away personal property worth about 30,000 yuan. They also arrested Mr. Li. His current whereabouts are unknown. One source claims he is being held at the Shengli Petroleum Field Detention Center.

Ms. Qiu Hongmei is being held at a brainwashing center located at the Material and Procurement Services Hotel for the Shengli Petroleum Field.
