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Heilongjiang Province College Lecturer Dies from Persecution in Mudanjiang Prison

April 12, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Wei Xiaodong, not yet 34 years old, formerly lectured in the School of Engineering of the August First Land Reclamation University in Heilongjiang Province. On March 21, 2005, Mr. Wei died in Mudanjiang Prison. Before his wife was even informed of his death, family members had his body cremated. Mr. Wei's wife also practices Falun Gong and is being detained and persecuted in Harbin.

After the persecution of Falun Gong began, Mr. Wei, along with other practitioners at the university, was terminated from his position. On July 20, 2000, he was taken to the Mishan Number Two Detention Center and persecuted there. In November 2000, authorities transferred him to the Jixi Labor Camp. Mr. Wei was released on July 19, 2001. After his release, he was forced to live at various places away from home to avoid further persecution.

On April 27, 2002 the Jixi 610 Office arrested Mr. Wei because he downloaded articles from Minghui Net (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net). He was sent to the Jixi Forced Labor Camp without a trial. Sources inside the labor camp report that Mr. Wei contracted tuberculosis due to the harsh conditions. He grew thin and weak, and lost almost all of his hair. The labor camp did not allow proper medical care.

On March 21, 2005, Mr. Wei died in Mudanjiang Prison. The circumstances around his imprisonment without trial and the continuous persecution he suffered demand a thorough investigation.

At the end of 2004, police at Mudanjiang Jianshanzi Prison launched a one-month escalation of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned there to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs. Led by Luan Jinghe, the prison deputy head, all brigade heads, staff commissioners and guards from each prison zone implemented the escalated persecution. They forced the criminal inmates to directly participate in the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Inside the prison, an announcement on TV stated that the persecution of Falun Gong would escalate. The notice was jointly issued by the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Mr. Pan Xingfu was the former deputy director of the Telecommunications Exchange Center in Shuangyashan City, and deputy director for the Telecommunications Bureau in Youyi County, Heilongjiang Province. On January 31, 2005, he was tortured to death in Mudanjiang Prison.

Mr. Li Ruqing was a 66-year-old retiree from the Mechanical and Electrical Factory of the Shangyashan City Mine Affairs Bureau. After two months of torture in Mudanjiang Prison he died on October 9, 2003. Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Yu Junxiu and Mr. Yu Jixing also died from persecution in Mudanjiang Prison.

At present, about 140 Falun Gong practitioners endure harsh mistreatment in Mudanjiang Prison. Mr. Zhao Po is being illegally detained in a small cell by brigade head Jiang Weidong. He is currently still being persecuted.

The following are responsible individuals at Mudanjiang Prison:

(Note: for phone numbers, dial country code before the numbers. country code: 86)

Switchboard of Mudanjiang Jianshanzi Prison, Heilongjiang Province: 86-453-6404715, 86-453-6404755

Heads of the Jail: Chen Shougang 13904676888 (Cell), ext. 8888
Commissioner: Yu Jinghe 13904835888 (Cell), ext. 8388
Director of Political Department: Sun Jiujie, ext. 8298
Secretary of Discipline Committee: Li Bin, ext. 8398
Section Instructor of Educating and Transforming Section: Song Xiaobin, 13766603777 (Cell), ext. 8333, 453-6179431
Deputy Section Instructor of Educating and Transforming Section: Zhao Peng, 13945326218 (Cell), ext. 8750
Section Instructor of Service Section: Zhou Jinping, 13945345260 (Cell), ext. 8799, 453-6179479
Deputy Section Instructor of Service Section: Wang Xuhui, 13704534000 (Cell), ext. 8662
Section Instructor of Detection Section: Wang Hui, 13504830585 (Cell), ext. 8651, 453-6179535
Deputy Head of Jail for Transforming: Luan Jinghe, 13766641111 (Cell) ext. 8378, 453-6663333/6666889

Head of No. 22 Zone: Song Hao, 13089885777 (Cell), 453-6183153, 453-6695960
Staff Commissioner of No. 22 Zone: Jiang Weidong, 13946341001 (Cell)
Head of No. 20 Zone: Du Yingchun, 13836352345 (Cell), ext. 8632, 453-6179403
Staff Commissioner of No. 20 Zone: Dong Yalin, 13845352555 (Cell), ext. 8690
Staff Commissioner of No. 19 Zone: Liu Chengbin, 13946334295 (Cell), ext. 8681
Head of No. 18 Zone: Qin Zhong, 13091856072 (Cell), ext. 8676
Staff Commissioner of No. 18 Zone: Yue Yongjun, 13945363013 (Cell), ext. 8717
Head of No. 17 Zone: Ding Xuezhong, 13945386698 (Cell), ext. 8692
Staff Commissioner of No. 17 Zone: Zhuang Zhixin, 13836369666 (Cell)
Head of No. 16 Zone: Liu Shiping, 13845355071 (Cell), ext. 8628
Staff Commissioner of No. 16 Zone: Zheng Yuhe, 13019068650 (Cell), 453-6535880
Head of No. 15 Zone: Xie Xiaofeng, 13514570111 (Cell), ext. 8706
Staff Commissioner of No. 15 Zone: Wang Hongyan, 453-6179245, ext. 8616
Head of No. 14 Zone: Liu Minghua, 13091858138 (Cell), ext. 8625
Staff Commissioner of No. 14 Zone: Gao Haimin, 13359887399 (Cell), ext. 8732
Head of No. 13 Zone: Wang Shusheng, 13303636767 (Cell)
Staff Commissioner of No. 13 Zone: Yan Limin, 13704838802 (Cell)
Head of No. 12 Zone: Hu Wei, 13836308976 (Cell), ext. 8691
Staff Commissioner of No.12 Zone: Li Jie, 13946337645 (Cell), 453-6179318
Head of No. 11 Zone: Zhong Gui, 13836316007 (Cell), ext. 8705, 453-6198989
Staff Commissioner of No.11 Zone: Yu Fugang, 13836318822 (Cell)
Head of No. 10 Zone: Zhang Hao, 13945314079 (Cell), ext. 8693
Staff Commissioner of No.10 Zone: Li Jigang, 13945317585 (Cell)
Head of No. 9 Zone: Wu Xudong, 13504838111 (Cell), ext. 8688, 453-6416211
Head of No. 9 Zone: Huang Fuyu, 13836379977 (Cell), ext. 8749, 453-6179177
Staff Commissioner of No.9 Zone: Xu Qingyu, 13945362043 (Cell), ext. 8675, 453-6179221
Head of No. 8 Zone: Wang Jue, 13359880771 (Cell), ext. 8727, 453-6179410
Staff Commissioner of No. 8 Zone: Jiang Yichen, 13946335828 (Cell)
Head of No. 7 Zone: Jiang Ge, 13009887080 (Cell), ext. 8699
Staff Commissioner of No. 7 Zone: He Jianjun, 13836318365 (Cell), 453-6240365
Head of No. 6 Zone: Wang Wensheng, 13054345000 (Cell), ext. 8746
Staff Commissioner of No.6 Zone: Zhu Zailiang, 13904838884 (Cell)

Staff Commissioner of No. 5 Zone: Han Guoqing, 13091856318 (Cell)
Head of No. 5 Zone: Guo Baolin, 1348668940 (Cell), ext. 8735, 453-6920304
Head of No. 4 Zone: Liu Zunqi, 13089836305 (Cell), ext. 8637, 453-6179157
Staff Commissioner of No. 4 Zone: Li Peng, 13945315170 (Cell), ext.8636, 453-6251676
Secretary of No. 4 Zone: Ma Xutao, ext. 8665, 453-6179047
Head of No. 3 Zone: Wang Wei, 13946346388 (Cell), ext. 8663, 453-6922447
Head of No. 2 Zone: Sun Zhaofeng, 13089897068 (Cell), ext. 8657
Staff Commissioner of No. 2 Zone: You Fugui, 13836308650 (Cell), ext. 8656
Head of No. 1 Zone: Yan Shanming, 13089836408 (Cell), ext. 8678

April 2, 2005