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Only a Deep Understanding of Falun Dafa and Powerful Righteous Thoughts Can Eliminate the Detrimental Influence of the Chinese Communist Party

April 13, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) In 2002, I wrote a letter to the leaders of my work unit, telling them that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner. Since my mindset was not entirely pure, they decided that they would conduct a brainwashing session for me. I thought to myself that I should stop such a session. My unit was to hold a sports meet, and they were supposed to conduct the brainwashing session at around that time.

On the day of the sports meet, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts. It was announced that they would start the meet by raising the national flag while playing the national anthem. I thought that there might be evil elements behind the flag and anthem that I should eliminate, and continued sending righteous thoughts. After it was quiet for some time, someone said there was problem with the cassette player. They ended up canceling the ceremony, and I didn't think any more about what happened at the time.

Since then I have come to the understanding that bad elements of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) exist in its signs, music, books, and everything to do with the Party. I threw away all the books I owned containing CCP ideology, and I told my children not to sing any CCP songs anymore. I also told them not to recite any of the Party-glorifying poems learned in kindergarten.

For a few days in a row, I dreamed about reading The Selected Works of Mao Zedong, which I had never read. I was surprised and puzzled by it. Later, I found my son wearing a pin on his chest bearing the image of Mao Zedong. He said that a relative had sent it to him. I disposed of the pin, and the dreams went away.

I do not ask students in my class to wear the red scarf, and because of this, my pay grade has been reduced. In the Chinese language class, I do not go over the articles that describe the CCP and its leaders, especially articles about Jiang Zemin. My supervisors severely criticized me for this. I do not ask my students to sing songs that promote the CCP. In other classes, students are expected to hold two meetings per semester, which start with pledging allegiance to the CCP and saluting, but I cancelled the pledges and salutes in my class. When supervisors come to do inspections, the teacher is expected to lead the class in pledging allegiance, but I refused to do so.

All of this happened before 2005. Instinctively, I knew that the CCP was terrible and had organized the persecution against Falun Dafa, but I lacked a deep enough understanding of the CCP, especially from the viewpoint of Falun Dafa. I did not pay enough attention to the issue of eliminating the evil spirits behind the CCP.

During a festival in 2002, my school chose to sing a song that praised Jiang Zemin as a group. I tried my best to stop it, but I did not send forth righteous thoughts, and the song was still performed. During the performance, I moved my mouth to other words while standing among my coworkers. It wasn't until later that I realized I could have put a stop to this had I done better.

Since we are helping the Chinese people to withdraw from CCP organizations, we should eliminate all of its elements. In 2004, I recited Teacher's poems, but in my mind a voice said, "That's no good." When I understood and directed righteous thoughts at that voice, it disappeared.

I know that without the CCP, China will be just fine, but living in a society permeated by the concepts of the CCP, I am still influenced by it. Sometimes I realize that I am using its theories to think about things, such as politics. Since I wrote my own declaration withdrawing from the CCP, I have gained a deeper understanding of the poisonous influence of the CCP, especially after reading Teacher's recent lectures. I have realized that we should protect Falun Dafa with our best efforts and help everything head towards the future in a purified state, and not just view everything with a perspective of achieving personal Consummation and being free from the CCP.

I think we should read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party carefully, because it thoroughly dissects the CCP. However, the Nine Commentaries are not a part of Falun Dafa. Teacher told us what the CCP was in much earlier articles and that all the forces in the universe wanted to eliminate the CCP. Teacher has given the CCP many opportunities, but it is still persecuting Falun Dafa, so it is doomed. Some older practitioners may think that some earlier leaders of the CCP are not too bad. Some practitioners may think that writing a declaration withdrawing from the CCP is just a formality or that it is getting involved in politics. I think that those practitioners need to seriously think about their position and study Teacher's recent articles carefully.

We should pay attention to the importance of eliminating the bad elements of the CCP and withdrawing from it. The CCP is unlike the normal old forces' elements and will try to persecute practitioners even if they are cultivating well. All in all, all of us should be very clearheaded in eliminating the bad elements of the Communist spirit.

March 23, 2005