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Two Older Practitioners from Miyun County, Beijing Passed Away Due to Persecution

April 19, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wei Fusheng , 68 years old, lived in Bingmaying Village, Bulaotun Town, Miyun County, Beijing City. He was constantly harassed by the local police after the persecution began in July 1999, and was twice detained and sent to brainwashing classes. In 2002, he was sent to brainwashing sessions for 18 months at the Tuanhe Labor Camp. He suffered a great deal both mentally and physically. He died in November 2004. His wife was sentenced to two years forced labor.

Mr. Guo Changzhi , 63 years old, lived in Beizhuang Town, Miyun County, Beijing City. He went into the center of Beijing to validate Falun Dafa after July 20, 1999, and was arrested by local policemen and 610 Office members upon returning home. They took him to a forestry station far away from his home, tied him up, and then suspended his whole body in the air. The policemen sprayed water into his nose, ears, and eyes, and gave him a severe beating. They also extorted one thousand yuan from him several days later. His liver and stomach were damaged from the physical abuse. He died in February 2003.

In October 2002, the Miyun County Commissioner Wang Hongzhong (male) frantically arrested practitioners, claiming to be "stabilizing social order." The police did not notify family members after their arrests, causing additional worry for the family. Wang Hongzhong said that he was experimenting on how to persecute practitioners in Miyun County. He used the taxpayers' money to hire informants. Monetary rewards were two thousand yuan for arresting a practitioner, one thousand yuan for reporting a practitioner, and three thousand yuan for catching practitioners hanging up banners or passing out leaflets.