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Latest News from China - March 18, 2005

April 19, 2005


  1. Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Yongjun Suffers a Nervous Breakdown from Torture in Heizuizi Labor Camp
  2. Changchun City, Jilin Province] Three Guards Beat Ms. Zhang Fengjun in Chaoyanggou Labor Camp
  3. Beijing City] Ms. Chang Shuxian Is Arrested from Home and Her Family Members Are Threatened
  4. Haicheng City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Jia'an Is Arrested Again
  5. Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Mr. Gong Xueshun and Mr. Wang Limeng Are Tortured during Detention
  6. Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Shujuan Is Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison
  7. Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Jing Xian'e Is Abducted at Home and Sent to Liuji Brainwashing Class
  8. Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Xiaolan Has Been Locked in a Brainwashing Class More Than Five Months
  9. Chongqing City] Mr. Yuan Qingsheng Is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
  10. Rushan City, Shandong Province] English Teacher Mr. Gong Zhaoyang Is Locked in Wangcun Labor Camp
  11. Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Haihong Is Put on "Trial"
  12. Changchun City, Jilin Province] At Least Three Practitioners Are Being Brainwashed in Jilin Prison
  13. Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Are Being Tortured in Harbin Women's Prison
  14. Tai'an City, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Are Being Cruelly Tortured in Feicheng Detention Center
  15. Tai'an City, Shandong Province] Ms. Tang Jizhen on a Hunger Strike for Six Days
  16. Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Guards in Jiamusi Labor Camp Brutally Beat Many Women Practitioners
  17. Anlu City, Hubei Province] Sentenced to Forced Labor Because He Wrote Couplet in Praise of Falun Dafa
  18. Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Hongjun's Life in Danger Due to Torture in Jinan City's First Prison
  19. Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wei Wenjie Is Arrested For Clarifying the Truth to Young Children

1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Yongjun Suffers a Nervous Breakdown from Torture in Heizuizi Labor Camp

Falun Dafa practitioners detained in Heizuizi Labor Camp in Changchun City are under "strict monitoring" and have been deprived visitation rights since February 9, 2005, the Chinese New Year.

On Saturday, March 12, 2005, all detained practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest. As a consequence they were tortured with electric batons. Ms. Li Yongjun has been locked in a small cell (1) and tortured to the point that she suffered a nervous breakdown.

2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Three Guards Beat Ms. Zhang Fengjun in Chaoyanggou Labor Camp

Shortly before the Chinese New Year on February 9, 2005, the Fifth Ward leader and two guards in the Chaoyanggou Labor Camp beat detained practitioner Ms. Zhang Fengjun from Yushu City, Jilin Province. Initially the two guards started beating her, and the ward leader joined them later. Even after Ms. Zhang was bleeding from her mouth and nose, the villains continued beating her.

3. [Beijing City] Ms. Chang Shuxian Is Arrested from Home and Her Family Members Are Threatened

Practitioner Ms. Chang Shuxian continues to cultivate "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." She was arrested from her home on March 1, 2005, and no one knows where she is at present. This is the third time she has been arrested for practicing Falun Dafa.

People who know Ms. Chang Shuxian all agree that she is a good employee in her work unit, and she has received merit awards. She is a good daughter-in-law at home, and her family life is very happy and peaceful. Her parents-in-law are both over eighty. They witnessed the policemen twisting Ms. Chang's arms, forcing her into a police vehicle while addressing her in profanities, ransacking her home, and removing all Falun Dafa materials. Her parents-in-law were so terrified that they broke down in tears. Her father-in-law's fear resulted in a heart attack, and he had to be sent to the hospital. Her child was so frightened she was physically ill. And her mother-in-law was so scared that she couldn't speak a word.

4. [Haicheng City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Jia'an Is Arrested Again

About March 12, 2005, policemen from the Ganwang Town Station arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Jia'an from Ganwang Town, Haicheng City, Liaoning Province. He had just been released from a labor camp on January 15, 2005. He has been sentenced three times to forced labor camps.

Relevant phone numbers for the Ganwang Town Police Station:
Director Xu Shengbiao: 86-412-3870010(Office), 86-13309806206(Cell), 86-412-3293663(Home)
Political Director Wang Junyu: 86-412-3872222(Office), 86-13998002555(Cell), 86-412-3226818(Home)
Operator: 86-412-3870020.

5. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Mr. Gong Xueshun and Mr. Wang Limeng Are Tortured during Detention

Practitioner Mr. Gong Xueshun was arrested in October 2004 and is currently detained in the Lannigou Detention Center in Guiyang City, where the physical conditions are very severe. Mr. Gong has developed scabies all over his body. Some areas of his body are badly infected. He has requested a medical parole, but the police have refused.

In October 2004, policemen from the Xinguan Street Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Wang Limeng and detained him in the Guiyang Detention Center. He has vomited blood from beatings received at the hands of the guards, and his life is in danger.

6. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Shujuan Is Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison

Practitioner Ms. Liu Shujuan was arrested from her home in April 2004, when police found many Falun Dafa banners in her possession. She was sentenced to forced labor at the Heizuizi Labor Camp but was rejected due to her physical condition. She was previously tortured in 2000, suffering a nervous breakdown. She could be released immediately, but her family does not have enough money to bail her out. Her illegal detention has been extended. Police fabricated crimes attributed to her actions, and she was sentenced to nine years in prison in February 2005.

7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Jing Xian'e Is Abducted at Home and Sent to Liuji Brainwashing Class

On March 16, 2005, practitioner Ms. Jing Xian'e was abducted and sent to the Liuji Brainwashing Class located in the Xinzhou District of Wuhan City. This occurred while she was cooking lunch at home. Her husband went to see her, but officials denied his request.

8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Xiaolan Has Been Locked in a Brainwashing Class More Than Five Months

At the end of September 2004, the Hubei Province 610 Office and the Wuhan Steel Company 610 Office locked practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaolan, an employee of the Third Steel Factory, in the Provincial Brainwashing Class located in Tangxun Lake. She is still being held there at this time. Around the time of the Chinese New Year on February 9, her family requested that she be allowed to come home for the holiday, but their request was denied since she never gave in to the brainwashing.

9. [Chongqing City] Mr. Yuan Qingsheng Is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

Practitioner Mr. Yuan Qingsheng from the Chang'an District in Chongqing City has been very solid in his practice since he was arrested in the Fuling Region. His family said he often shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" The guards are all scared of him and will not allow his family to visit him. He has been sentenced to seven years in prison, but Mr. Yuan never signed his name on any document and is appealing his case.

10. [Rushan City, Shandong Province] English Teacher Mr. Gong Zhaoyang Is Locked in Wangcun Labor Camp

Practitioner Mr. Gong Zhaoyang is an excellent English teacher, who is employed by a high school. He is very well respected by his colleagues and students. On March 16, 2005, Rushan City policemen arrested Mr. Gong and sentenced him to forced labor at the Wangcun Labor Camp. Police have also demanded 5,000 yuan from his family.

11. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Haihong Is Put on "Trial"

At 9 a.m. on March 10, 2005, the Dongchang District Court of Tonghua City, Jilin Province, put practitioner Ms. Li Haihong on trial. She had been previously detained for four months.

Around 8:30 a.m., more than ten family members and several practitioners gathered near the court house. Dozens of practitioners were sending forth righteous thoughts surrounding the court house from nearby locations. Dongchang District 610 Office workers Shi Fengfu (male) and Zhou Jiarui (male) were assigned by the District Political and Security Committee to guard the door and allow only three non-practitioner family members to be present. They did not allow her family members to touch Ms. Li, not even her 70-year-old mother, who wanted to touch her hands.

When the trial was in session, a judge read the fabricated crimes attributed to Ms. Li, asked one simple question, and then quickly ended the phony trial. The two agents sent by the 610 Office departed quickly.

While the Court was in recess, Ms. Li Haihong clarified the truth to the officials around her. At the same time, practitioners were sending forth righteous thoughts outside the Court. These actions greatly shocked the evil and manifested the strong power of Falun Dafa practitioners' one-body.

12. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] At Least Three Practitioners Are Being Brainwashed in Jilin Prison

We have learned that practitioner Mr. Liu Jingxin has spent 36 days (from January 4-February 17, 2005, excepting the New Year's holidays) in forced brainwashing sessions in the First Ward of Jilin Prison. This included 12 days under strict monitoring while he was tortured and tied up on a bed. His left arm is badly injured from this torture, and his face is very pale. He is also very weak. Since February 15, 2005, at least three other practitioners have been subjected to the same brainwashing tortures as Mr. Liu. The torture has yet to make him give up his faith in Falun Dafa.

13. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Are Being Tortured in Harbin Women's Prison

From December 12 to 31, 2004, practitioners detained in Harbin Women's Prison were tortured for refusing to wear prisoners' uniforms. Guards hung the practitioners up, allowing only the practitioners' toes to touch the floor. The hands of the tortured practitioners turned purple within 30 minutes. The skin on their wrists skin peeled off, and their hands were swollen. Practitioners passed out due to the extreme pain. The guards prepared injections and then stabbed practitioners' Renzhong point (directly under the nose) to wake them up or inject drugs. Guards also cuffed practitioners' hands and then hung them up by the cuffs on the bunk beds. They also tortured them by depriving them of sleep. Guards also gagged practitioners by stuffing material into their mouths. If a practitioner went on a hunger strike, she would be tortured with force-feeding. Guards also tortured them by forcing them to sit on a small stool for a long time. Any practitioner whose term was about to end would be tortured individually.

There is a newly established brainwashing base, where practitioners are being tortured even worse than at other sites. This information was kept very secret until now.

14. [Tai'an City, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Are Being Cruelly Tortured in Feicheng Detention Center

On January 5, 2005, practitioners Ms. Zhang Fuxin, her son Hou Jinming, and Mr. Xu Xinglu from the Daiyue District of Tai'an City, Shandong Province, were arrested by Feicheng City State Security Agents while passing out truth-clarifying materials in Liulin Village, Bianjiayuan Town, Feicheng City. They have been detained in the Feicheng City Detention Center. Policemen later ransacked their homes, removing all Falun Dafa material and related equipment.

Inside the Feicheng Detention Center, these three practitioners endured inhuman tortures. Guards stripped them of their clothes, poured icy water onto their heads in the freezing cold of winter, and forced their heads into the cold basin of water. Guards also burned their backs with a red-hot fire hook. Their visiting family members were moved to tears when they saw how their relatives were being tortured. Mr. Hou Jinming, not yet 18, is disabled. They all have been detained more than 60 days.

15. [Tai'an City, Shandong Province] Ms. Tang Jizhen on a Hunger for Strike Six Days

On March 10, 2005, police confined practitioner Ms. Tang Jizhen from Zhuyang Town in the Daiyue District of Tai'an City to her home and tried to force her to give them Falun Dafa materials, but she refused. They immediately wrote their own search warrant, ransacked her home, and took away all her electronic equipment and printing materials. Ms. Tang Jizhen has been on hunger strike for six days inside the Tai'an City Detention Center.

16. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Guards in Jiamusi Labor Camp Brutally Beat Many Women Practitioners

On March 2, 2005, after 9 a.m., another violent incident occurred in the Women's Ward of the Jiamusi Labor Camp. In order to force practitioners to sign "Brainwashing Agreements," The ward head Yu Wenbin (female) announced that everyone had to sign. The division head Wang Xin (female) lead four male guards with electric batons to beat any practitioners who refused to sign their names or allow their fingerprints to be taken. Ms. Zhuang Shuqing, Ms. Wang He, Ms. Sun Xuelian, Ms. Wang Xiuyun, and Ms. Ma Xiaohua, and others have all been beaten and badly injured.

17. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Sentenced to Forced Labor Because He Wrote Couplet in Praise of Falun Dafa

Practitioner Mr. Sheng Yongqing from Fushui Town, Anlu City, has been arrested, sentenced to forced labor, and is serving his term in the Shayang Labor Camp for writing a couplet in praise of Falun Dafa.

Practitioner Ms. Pan Juying has been arrested for producing truth-clarifying materials. No one knows where she is now.

18. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Hongjun's Life in Danger Due to Torture in Jinan City's First Prison

Mr. Liu Hongjun is 47 years old and lives in Chengli Village, Shouguang City, Shandong Province. He was sentenced to fourteen years in prison two years ago for firmly believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." He is still jailed in Jinan City's First Prison.

We have learned that at one time a doctor diagnosed that his life was "endangered" in the prison. He used to be a very healthy person without any sicknesses. He was sent back to Shouguang City, but the Shouguang City 610 System rejected him. Because his life was considered endangered, he stayed in the Shouguang City Government Motel one night wearing handcuffs and ankle shackles. He was sent back to the prison the next day.

19. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wei Wenjie Is Arrested For Clarifying the Truth to Young Children

Ms. Wei Wenjie lives in Tuanshanbao in the Tiebei District of Changchun City. She works as a day care center teacher. On March 9 or 10, 2005, two police vehicles sent by the Yangjiaweizi Substation showed up with policeman Fu Daijie (male) to ransack her home, because she gave her day care children cards with "Falun Dafa is Good" written on them and clarified the truth to the children. The police took away her personal phone book the next day.

Ms. Wei is now detained in Changchun City's Third Detention Center.

(1) Small cell - The detainee is locked into a very small cell in isolation. The guards handcuff practitioners on their backs in a fixed position, which does not permit them room to move or to lie down. The small cell is very damp and dark. Detainees have to relieve themselves in the cell. Only half of a regular meal is provided during the daytime. The stench in the small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe. See illustration on http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/11/24/16156.html