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I Read Zhuan Falun Three Times and Regained My Health

April 19, 2005


I Read the Miraculous Book Three Times and Regained My Health

-- A testimonial of the greatness of Falun Dafa

I am Zhang, from Nanpiao District in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. In July 2004, I was diagnosed with colon cancer, and I had surgery first, then chemotherapy and medication. There were many side effects after my course of treatment, and my body was very weak. One day, my wife was helping me to take a walk outside. When I was tired and resting, a young man stopped just to exchange pleasantries. I told him how I became ill, and he said: "I'll find a book for you. If you read it, it will be very helpful to you." My wife asked, "Will it work?" The young man said sincerely, "It will work for whoever reads it with a sincere heart."

This is how I obtained the book Zhuan Falun, and I read it once and then again. One night when I was reading it for the third time, I had a dream that a big nail in my back was pulled out, and my body became more relaxed. The next day, I told my wife about my dream, and she was very happy. I was very excited too, and I figured that it had to be Teacher who was helping me. From then on, I kept reading the book, and now I am completely healed. I no longer take any medicine or need injections. I not only save money, but also spare myself from pain and trouble. It is, indeed, a true miracle of Falun Dafa manifested in me.

My wife, who often looked after me, was not well either, and she suffered from several chronic ailments. After my wife had seen the transformation in me, she began to study Falun Gong. All her chronic diseases went away, and she regained her health. She said cheerfully: "Falun Dafa is great!" From then on, my wife and I studied the Fa every day, and we both became practitioners. Now, we are always in a good mood and do not need to worry about our medical expenses any more. We can also do our household chores. Falun Dafa has saved both of us.

Younger Sister and Brother-in-Law Experienced Miracles of Dafa Themselves

By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province

A Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province clarified the truth to her younger sister and brother-in-law. After they learned the truth, they helped her to protect Dafa books. They also picked up discarded truth-clarifying materials and passed them on to others after they read them themselves.

One day, the practitioner's brother-in-law saw someone trying to remove Dafa truth-clarification materials from a wall. He then walked up to that person and said, "Don't do that, people who have those words on their walls will be rewarded." Another time, he saw a Dafa practitioner hanging a banner, and someone nearby ready to report the practitioner to the police. The brother-in-law was very upset, and told that person, "It's none of your business." The person said that the banner was right across from his home. The practitioner's brother-in-law said, "That is a good thing. But if you do harm to Dafa practitioners, you will meet with karmic retribution!"

The brother-in-law used to have stomach problems. Once night, he needed emergency treatment, and was charged over 1,000 yuan. His stomach problem persisted until he began to treat Dafa kindly. The practitioner's younger sister was ready to have surgery for uterine cancer within a week. On the day before the surgery, she went to the hospital, and her X-ray showed that the tumor had disappeared. The doctor was very surprised and asked her what medicine she was taking. She said, "Nothing, but I recite 'Falun Dafa is good' every day." The doctor did not say a word, but nodded his head. She then continued, "Falun Dafa has saved my life."

During this past Chinese New Year, when friends and relatives got together, the practitioner's sister helped this practitioner to spread the message to their relatives and friends that believing that "Falun Dafa is good" will bring them good fortune. Reciting "Falun Dafa is good" every day would make all their illnesses go away, even cancer of the uterus. The sister's experience convinced many of their relatives and friends about the greatness of Dafa. That night, they all recited together dozens of times, "Falun Dafa is good."