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More Details About Mr. Chen Xueda, an Engineer from Liaoning Province Iron and Coal Group, Who Died as a Result of Persecution

April 19, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Chen Xueda, a chief engineer from Dalong Ore, Liaoning Province Iron and Coal Group, died on the night of January 23, 2004 because he was persecuted relentlessly and imprisoned.

Mr. Chen, 67 years old, always worked conscientiously and was devoted to his company. He did not take free time day or night, and never rested on weekends and holidays, so he became ill from overwork. He used to suffer from serious insomnia, heart disease and hypertension. However, no medical treatments were effective. Suffering from these diseases made him thin and pallid. Mr. Chen, who was so dedicated to his work, unexpectedly fainted one day at his work station. This was about 10 years ago. Fortunately in 1995, he started to practice Falun Dafa. After several months, he recovered and was full of vigor, so he returned to work.

After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Chen spoke frankly and submitted a written statement supporting Falun Dafa. He went to Beijing to appeal to the government but was arrested and detained in the local detention center and jail, where he was severely persecuted. For example, incited by the police, the criminals completely removed his clothes and poured sixty basins of cold water all over him. They also beat his face with shoes. The authorities did not let him sleep, humiliated him, tried to forcefully brainwash him and make him write a so-called "transformation" statement. His company did not pay his salary for one year and cancelled his communist party membership.

In July 2002, Mr. Chen declared on the Clearwisdom.net website the statement he made under duress was invalid, and that he would be diligent and cultivate solidly to make up for the loss he brought to Falun Dafa. Personnel from his company's security section as well as the local police went to his home to harass him and tried to force him to write a "guarantee" that he would not practice Falun Gong. In addition, they threatened to fire his children from their jobs, which was devastating. He died suddenly on January 23, 2004.

April 7, 2005