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Guangzhou Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liang Tingting Arrested Again After Being Persecuted to the Verge of Death by the 610 Office

April 20, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Liang Tingting, born in 1962, is a native of Jiangsu Province. Up till 1995, Ms. Liang worked in the Guangzhou Province Military District. She retired from the army in 1995. She was a former assistant manager in the Guangdong Baonan Energy and Transportation Development Company. Ms. Liang has practiced Falun Dafa and followed the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance since 1995. Twice in 1997, she reported to the Guangdong Province Finance Affairs Committee about the rampant corruption and bribery in her workplace, but her complaints were dismissed.

In late 2001, Liang Tingting was abducted by the authorities and taken to the Guangzhou Dongshan District Dadao Road Police Station. Then she was transferred to the so-called "Dongshan Law Education School," which was a brainwashing class organized to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Ms. Liang remained steadfast in her belief and refused to renounce Falun Dafa. In November 2002, she begun a hunger strike that lasted almost three months to protest against the persecution. Consequently, Liang Tingting was sent to another "law education school" in Guangzhou City. There she was further subjected to brutal, inhumane torture. When she finally regained her freedom on March 10, 2003, Liang weighed only thirty kilograms (about 66 pounds), a drastic decrease from her former weight of sixty kilos (about 132 pounds). Ms. Liang was very close to death.

To clarify the truth, Liang Tingting compiled and distributed a CD detailing the persecution she suffered, including her appeal letter and evidence of corruption and bribery. On the morning of March 16, 2005, Xu Jubo, Cui Dexing and 10 other Dongshan District 610 Office officials, under the pretense of issuing an unemployment card, abducted Ms. Liang again. The perpetrators tried to force her to sign the Three Statements and to stop reporting on corruption. She was deprived of her human rights and legal protection.

Liang Tingting's account of the inhumane tortures she suffered in the Guangzhou City "Law Education School" includes this statement:

"The guard forced me to bend down 90 degrees and tied a noose around my neck. Jiang Hong, a female police officer, had the other end of the rope under her foot. She did not let me raise my head, and kept on stepping on the rope until my head almost touched the floor. The guards would then pull up on the rope all of a sudden and jerk my entire body forward. The extremely tight noose was suffocating. The guards repeatedly tortured me this way."

Relevant Phone Numbers:
Guangzhou City Dongshan District 610 Office:
Phone number: (020) 37651872, 37651873, 87755888 Ext. 1908, 1909
Address: Guangzhou city, 8 Zhuqian Road, Dongshan Government Building Suite 908, 909
Postal Code: 510080
610 Office Chair: Xu Jubo: 13802770454
Guangzhou City 610 Office (020) 83104657, 83193123, 83377877, 83116688