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Germany: Chinese International Student Urgently Appeals to Rescue her Mother, Who Was Arrested in Beijing

April 20, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) According to news from the Falun Dafa Information Center on April 6, Liu Fang, a Chinese student in Germany, is now urgently appealing for help from all circles to rescue her mother, who was recently arrested in Beijing.

On April 5, 2005, the Falun Dafa Information Center received an SOS letter from Liu Fang. She wrote in her letter that her mother Ms. Liu Yawen was arrested on March 31 by the local police in Beijing when distributing Falun Gong Video-CDs and her whereabouts are unknown. Afterwards, the street committee members and the local police came and searched Liu's home together. Because Ms Liu Yawen lives by herself, Liu Fang could only find out about her mother's welfare through friends and family, but they have been unsuccessful and couldn't get through the information blockade. Out of concern for her mother, Liu Fang read articles on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China on a Falun Gong website. She was astonished by the brutality of the persecution and became more worried about her mother's safety. In her letter, Liu Fang pleaded for support and assistance from the reporters and editors of the information center.

Liu Fang explained that her mother Liu Yawen is fifty-six years old. Before retirement she worked as an operator in a machinery export and import company in Beijing, and she was an engineer at a factory. Liu Fang remembered that her mother started to cultivate Falun Gong in 2002 and was very happy after learning the practice. Even now when the Chinese Communist Party is brutally persecuting Falun Gong, she still tells her friends and family the facts about Falun Gong, as well as her personal experiences. When mentioning her friends and families who believed in the Chinese Communist Party's lies, her mother would burst into tears during the phone call with her daughter. Liu Fang said her mother is very steadfast in her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and also has a benevolent heart to help people, and that was why she risked her safety to distribute Falun Gong VCDs, helping those strangers to find out the truth of Falun Gong. Nevertheless at the same time, Liu Fang is also very worried that her mother, being so steadfast, would suffer even more severe persecution.

Since childhood, Liu Fang and her mother have depended a great deal on each other. Liu Fang typically talks to her mother by phone for about two hours every week. Liu Fang's studies are very demanding right now. At the vital period of her economics Master's degree graduation project, she suddenly found out about the disappearance of her mother. She became anxious and worried, and couldn't continue her project for a whole week. Liu Fang even considered returning to China to rescue her mother. However, she also worries that she would also be kidnapped and wouldn't be able to rescue her mother.

Liu Fang said she originally planned to return to China after her graduation. But her mother's sudden kidnapping made her feel that Beijing, her hometown that she has always missed and yearned for, has turned into such a terrible place. She asked the reporter, hasn't Jiang Zemin stepped down now? Why is the persecution still so severe then? What tortures would her mother have to suffer? How can she rescue her mother? She heard that her mother might be transferred to a brainwashing class. However, she knows that her mother won't sign the guarantee letter to denounce Falun Gong. So, would her mother have to endure inhumane torture like those reported on the Internet?

The reporter encouraged Liu Fang to finish her studies while boldly exposing those perpetrators that persecute her mother. She will also contact German government officials and other human rights organizations in order to rescue her mother with help from government organizations and non-governmental organizations.

All kindhearted people, please lend a hand to help rescue Liu Fang's mother.

Liu Yawen's family address:

20 Guang'anmen Beijie (North Street)
Postcode: 100053
Telephone at home: 01063041500
