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New Photos Expose the Mistreatment of Practitioner Lei Jingxiong from Yongzhou, Hunan Province (Photos)

May 16, 2005


On August 18, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners Lei Jingxiong, Liang Jianguo, and Li Ziran were arrested by police from the Changsha City Tianxin District State Security Division at their residence near Changsha City Tianxin District Railway South Station.

During the time Lei Jingxiong was imprisoned, he was beaten unconscious by Tianxin District police and received many injuries to his head and face. After he passed out, he was sent to the Changsha City Center Hospital for treatment. Lei Jingxiong was found to have blood accumulation under his skull from the beating, the left side of his face was paralyzed, and his left ear and left eye were seriously injured. He couldn't eat, and he suffered from memory loss. The following photo shows Lei Jingxiong after two month's treatment in the hospital. The damage to his face is still clearly evident.

After two months' treatment in Changsha City Center Hospital, Lei Jingxiong left the hospital and returned to his home with the help of other Dafa practitioners. His current status is not known.

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The above form shows the medical diagnosis from Changsha City Center Hospital for Dafa practitioner Lei Jingxiong of Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. Because Lei Jingxiong refused to disclose his name when he was arrested, the police used the name "Xiao Yuefeng" when he was admitted to the hospital.

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Above is the medical diagnosis from Central Southern University Xiangya No. 2 Hospital for Dafa practitioner Lei Jingxiong.

April 20, 2005