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Eliminate the Persecution in a Timely Manner

May 17, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) According to internal news sources in China, the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party are being widely spread and are having an enormous impact. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now planning a new round of nationwide persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, using even more brutal means.

For example, secret official documents were issued in March to begin seizing Dafa practitioners' homes across the country. On or about April 10, a five-day meeting was held in Guang'an City in Sichuan Province, to plan further systematic persecution of Dafa practitioners in Guang'an City. All police stations in Wulumuqi City put up public bulletins offering rewards for the persecution of Dafa practitioners (there were no official stamps on the bulletins because they were afraid of leaving evidence of persecution).

According to various internal information sources, the evil political scoundrels are planning to take action to secretly intensify the persecution of Dafa practitioners on a nationwide scale. Some people in police departments of various areas know the truth about Dafa and are sympathetic to Falun Dafa practitioners. They clearly see the evil nature of the CCP from its past evil political campaigns. They hope that Dafa practitioners will be careful to guard against the CCP's next rounds of violent treachery.

At this historic moment when the evil forces are at the lowest position on the scale between righteousness and evil, people should not be allowed to do evil at will any more. In fact, it is hard for the wrongdoers to realize what they are trying to achieve, because this is not the persecution of everyday people, but is actually brought about because of evil beings in other dimensions resisting the Fa-rectification. The evil beings have now been eliminated on a large scale and only very few are left, so they no longer have the power needed to sustain the persecution.

However, if we practitioners lower our guard, the evil will utilize our loopholes to do the bad things that they want to do. Therefore, I hope that Dafa practitioners can do better on the three things that Master Li asks us to do - concentrate powerful righteous thoughts, persist in studying the Fa well, send forth righteous thoughts more, and continue clarifying the truth with rationality and wisdom.

During this process, completely and solidly eliminate all evil elements that the evil spirits of the Communist Party might put forth in their last-ditch struggle, so as to continue offering salvation to all sentient beings.