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11 Death Cases: People Who Died After Being Forced to Stop Practicing Falun Gong

May 17, 2005


Mr. Kui Fushu, 70 years-old, was a resident from East Longquan Village, Shiting Town, Laishui County, Hebei Province. He used to suffer from diabetes. Mr. Kui used up all of his savings seeking treatment from doctors, yet their treatments bought him little effect. When he ran out of money for doctors, he became even sicker. In 1998, his son and daughter took him to a Falun Gong practice site. He had trouble walking by himself, so they supported him by the arms to take him. After one-month of practice, he was able to walk around freely and his health was getting better by the day. On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the brutal suppression of Falun Gong. The airwaves became filled with propaganda slandering Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners were fined large sums of money. Local officials held brainwashing programs and forced practitioners to attend. Under such an intensive attack, the old man was so frightened that he did not dare to practice Falun Gong any more. Twenty days later, he passed away in distress. The villagers all said, "He would not have died if Falun Gong had not been banned."

Mr. Zhao Songlou was from Changge County, Henan Province. He used to suffer from high blood pressure, but after learning Falun Gong in 1997, his blood pressure went down. When the persecution of Falun Dafa started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Zhao stopped practicing under the pressure, and his high blood pressure relapsed. In the spring of 2000, he passed away from a stroke.

Ms. Wang Shouqin, 65 years-old, was from Bin County, Heilongjiang Province. She used to have various illnesses. In 1997, she quickly recovered after she studied Falun Dafa. On July 20, 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong was ordered by Jiang Zemin. After that, the local police and the residential community officials repeatedly harassed her. Thus, she did not dare to study the Fa or do the Falun Gong exercises. On June 29, 2002, she died from a terminal disease.

Mr. Liu Jinxiang, 58 years old, was from Yushu, Jilin Province. He used to have diabetes, tuberculosis, poor vision and some other diseases before he started to practice Dafa. In 1998, he began to practice Falun Gong and became much healthier. After Jiang Zemin and the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Mr. Liu believed the lies and slander that was broadcasted on the radio and the TV. Being deceived by the lies, he gave up his practice. Before long, he suffered a relapse, and died on April 20, 2000.

Mr. Mou Yi, 71 years-old, was a retired government cadre from Anshan, Liaoning Province. He originally had heart problems and hepatitis. After practicing Falun Gong in 1998, he recovered and did not need to see doctors any more. After July 20, 1999, he was constantly harassed by the CCP's officials and policemen. The pressure caused him to stop practicing Falun Gong. He passed away in May of 2001.

Ms. Sun Qiuping, 60 years-old, was a resident of Panguanying Village, Liushouying Town, Funing County, Qinhuangdao District, Hebei Province. In July of 2001, she went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Dafa. She was arrested and taken back to her home town by police from Funing County Police Station in Beijing. They locked her up in Liushouying Police Station and tortured her. Later, she was illegally detained for 15 days in a detention center in Funing County. After that, she was sent to a brainwashing program for up to eight months and persecuted further. Her body and mind were seriously damaged due to the prolonged torture. She was finally released after renouncing Falun Gong against her will. She died at home in September of 2003.

Ms. Wen Shumei, 52 years old, lived in East Wangjia Village, Daqinjia Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. She had a serious heart disease and had constantly taken medicine before she practiced Falun Dafa. After she practiced Dafa, her health greatly improved. She did not need to take medicine for over two years. When Dafa was under attack after July of 1999, the pressure caused her to give up her practice. She suffered a relapse and died on 21st of the first lunar month, 2001.

Ms. Wang, probably over 50 years-old, was a resident in Baodi District, Tianjin City. She used to have breast cancer. On obtaining Dafa, she fully recovered. After July 20, 1999, Jiang's regime violently forbade people from practicing Falun Gong. She once told her family members, "I will die if I do not practice Falun Gong." Later, she was still forced to give up practicing Falun Gong. Her cancer returned, and she passed away.

Ms. Liu Guiling, 52 years-old, lived on Xinggong Street, Chaoyang Town, Huinan County, Jilin Province. On July 20, 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Officials from the 610 Office escorted her back home. For 3 years after that, Zhao Lianyong, the head of the local 610 Office, repeatedly sent personnel to her home. They would harass, threaten and confiscate her property. Ms. Liu experienced tremendous mental persecution. They even forced her son (an employee of a police station) to tell his mother that he would be laid off if she continued to practice Falun Gong. Her son was required by his superiors to watch her. Due to the extended mental persecution and threats, Ms. Liu did not dare to practice Falun Gong or study the Falun Dafa books. She passed away after a relapse on December 30, 2003.

Mr. Li Junwen, a 70 year-old retired teacher, was a resident in Wuqin District, Tianjin City. He practiced Falun Gong at home after retiring and was getting healthier and healthier each day. After Jiang's regime started the persecution on July 20, 1999, he was forced to give up Falun Gong. His daughter and son were kidnapped to a detention center because they continued practicing Falun Gong. The old man was devastated by the attacks on his family. Under this huge pressure, he died from heart failure at the end of March, 2004.

Ms. Li Sukai, 32 years-old, was from Heilongjiang Province. She started to practice Dafa in 1998. At that time she had a kidney disease. After practicing Falun Gong, her health greatly improved. In 1999, Jiang's regime started to persecute Falun Gong. Under this environment, Ms. Li did not dare to practice cultivation any more. Soon, she suffered a relapse and died in November of 2000.