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Teacher Arrested by 610 Office Personnel for Showing a Falun Gong Video in Class - Shiyan City, Hubei Province

May 17, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) According to reliable sources, the District Court of Maojian District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province will soon put Ms. He Jiao on trial. She is a young teacher at the Shiyan City Experimental High School. The court officials admitted that the case has already been decided by "upper level authorities" and that the court and the government attorneys will "merely follow the routine procedure." They also admitted that the case was reported to the district authorities, the city authorities and all the provincial authorities. The "upper level" authority that decided the case was the provincial 610 Office. They have a three-step plan: first, designate He Jiao guilty and continue to persecute her; second, find and persecute He Jiao's husband Wang Delin, also a Falun Gong practitioner who is currently homeless and do the same to other practitioners; third, extort money from He Jiao's family and relatives.

On January 4, 2005, He Jiao showed the Falun Gong video, "Walk Forward in the Wind and Rain," to a class of junior high school students where she was employed. On January 6, the National Security Team from the Maojian Police Station arrested her. The station is under the supervision of the Shiyan City Public Security Bureau. Yang Gang, the deputy head of the police station, directed the arrest. Yang is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners within the city. The arrest was physically carried out directly by Zhang Shumeng, the deputy captain of the National Security Team of Maojian Police Station. The vice principals of Shiyan City Experimental High School, Zhao Ensi and Ma Xiangdong, also participated in the illegal arrest.

They ransacked He Jiao's home and confiscated a computer and other property. After He Jiao showed the Falun Gong video CD, the director of the Shiyan City's 610 Office and He Shixing, who is the associate head of the Shiyan City Bureau of Education and who is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong within the city, went to the high school and used the following persecutory tactics: They implicated the school principal and ordered the principal to write a self-criticism statement and forbid the school from competing in a model school contest. They then held a meeting with all the teachers and staff in which they spread slander about Falun Gong. They also showed a video CD to the students of the class who had seen the Falun Gong truth-clarifying video. The persecutor's video CD denounced Falun Gong, and they tried to poison the students and teachers with it.

He Jiao is currently being detained in the First Detention Center of Shiyan City. According to the internal sources at the detention center, officials from the Public Security Bureau and the government attorney's office frequently try to coerce or cajole He Jiao. She is now facing tremendous pressure and cries often. Her husband's brother is taking care of her eight-year-old daughter, whose life is difficult without parents.

Please, all practitioners inside and outside China, especially practitioners in Shiyan City, if your situation permits, send forth strong righteous thoughts to disintegrate all evil forces attempting to persecute He Jiao. Please call the persecutors to help to rescue He Jiao, clarify the truth about Falun Gong and eliminate the evil. We also appeal to all kind-hearted people in China who have a sense of justice to step forward, help end the evil persecution and provide more details about the persecution.

Country code: 86, area code: 719.

Lan Guanheng, vice secretary of Shiyan City Communist Party: phone number to be found
Mi Kehong, secretary of the Shiyan City Committee on Politics and Law: phone number to be found
Ji Qunfeng, Vice Mayor of Shiyan City and in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 8688666 (office), 8673253 (office), 8669222 (home), 13807281100 (cell)
Switchboard for the Shiyan City Public Security Bureau: 8666300.
Chief of the Shiyan City Public Security Bureau: 8667015.
Chen Shunguo, Deputy Chief of Shiyan City Public Security Bureau, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 8666300 ext. 2767 (home), 8666300 ext. 2038 (office), 13807289255 (cell).
Lu Jinchang, Head of the Shiyan City's "610" Office: 8652916 (home), 13971921188 (cell).
Head, Maojian Police Station of Shiyan City Public Security Bureau: 8888058 (office).
Yang Gang, deputy head of the Maojian Police Station, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: phone number to be found.
Zhang Shumeng, deputy captain of the National Security Team at the Maojian Police Station: phone number to be found.
Yang Guoshun, head of the Shiyan City Bureau of Eduation: 8672878 (office), 8655195 (home), 13807289636 (cell), E-mail: ygs@sy.e21.edu.cn.
He Shixing, associate head of the Shiyan City Bureau of Eduation and in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 8486529 (office), E-mail: hsx@sy.e21.edu.cn.
Liu Rong, Principal of Shiyan City Experimental High School: 8666489 ext. 8028 or 8018, 13907284557 (cell).
Principal's Office at the Shiyan City Experimental High School: 8652869.
Zhao Ensi, Vice Principal of Shiyan City Experimental High School: phone number to be found.
Ma Xiangdong, Vice Principal of Shiyan City Experimental High School: phone number to be found.