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Disabled Practitioner Mr. Sun Yuanwu from Jilin Province and Tang Shiyu, a 15-year-old Boy from Liaoning Province, Died After Facing Persecution

May 17, 2005


Mr. Sun Yuanwu, a disabled practitioner, passed away under persecution

Mr. Sun Yuanwu, 38 years old, lived in Tumen City, Jilin Province. Ten years ago he had an accident and was paralyzed in his lower body. Because he practiced Falun Dafa, Mr. Sun endured all kinds of persecution from local 610 Office personnel, the neighborhood committee and the police. He passed away the night of February 9, 2005.

Mr. Sun's whole family practices Falun Dafa. Before Sun's father began the practice, he was very ill, and couldn't continue his teaching job. Mr. Sun's mother had tumors. Mr. Sun himself was paralyzed in his lower body from an accident. He could not take care of his daily routine activities by himself. In September 1996, Mr. Sun's family fortunately obtained Falun Dafa. The minds and the physical conditions of the whole family had changed dramatically. Sun's parents' diseases were healed without medical treatment. After practicing Falun Gong for a month, day-by-day, Mr. Sun's health became better and all the symptoms went away.

In July 1999, Jiang launched the all-encompassing persecution of Falun Dafa. From that moment on, Mr. Sun's family had been harassed and persecuted regularly by people from local Political & Judiciary Committee, by the "610 Office," the neighborhood committee and police station. His family members were unlawfully detained and brainwashed numerous times. They had nearly 10,000 yuan extorted from them by the authorities. Mr. Sun's parents went into exile to avoid being further persecuted. Because Mr. Sun couldn't move easily at will, the Political & Judiciary Committee and persons from the "610 Office" even set up a "reform" class at Mr. Sun's home and forced him to undergo brainwashing.

On the night of January 27, 2003, a team of police suddenly broke into Mr. Sun's residence. They searched through the family's property for nearly two hours. Without any evidence of Sun's committing a crime, they took Mr. Sun's father when he returned home, who was not released until 3:00 a.m. Sun's family business, a rabbit-raising farm, was forcefully shut down. That year, Mr. Sun's parents decided to stay away from home again to avoid the persecution.

Three days before the 2004 Chinese New Year, police officers Bai Renfu, Piao Chengde, Cui Chenghao from the National Security Team, arrested Mr. Sun's father and wife. Mr. Sun was left alone at home without having anyone to look after him. Two days later, Mr. Sun, in a wheelchair, went to the police department with his mother. They requested the release of their family members. However, Feng Gang, the head of the police department, detained the two of them at the department's back yard where it was cold and dark. A month later, the police department extorted 4,000 yuan from the family before releasing Mr. Sun's father and wife.

In the summer of 2004, Mr. Sun's family had no choice but to relocate. The perpetrators searched for them by all means possible. The head of the neighborhood committee, Meng Caixia, also phoned them repeatedly to harass them. A policeman named Li Jinyou ransacked Mr. Sun's residence. The deputy head of the "610 Office," Bi Wenge, brought several officers to Mr. Sun's home to harass them. Later, he brought another team of officers to Mr. Sun's home to set up the "reform" class.

Because of the continuous persecution and harassment, Mr. Sun's health deteriorated quickly. He died the night of February 9, 2005.

(The above case was translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/5/5/101126.html)

Tang Shiyu, a 15 years old from Dandong City, Liaoning Province, died under persecution

Tang Shiyu was a student at the Fucun Elementary School, Dandong City, Liaoning Province. In 1995, the hospital claimed he had only six months to live due to the heart disease he had suffered since early childhood. But since he started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, his health had improved, and he was able to go to school. After Jiang and his followers began persecuting Falun Gong, Tang's home has been searched five times illegally. His heart disease recurred. Tang died on April 25, 2005 at age of 15.

Tang Shiyu was born in 1989. He lived in Zhenxing District, Dandong City, Liaoning Province. He had heart disease at an early age. In 1995, the hospital claimed that he had only six months to live. In 1996, Tang Shiyu began practicing Falun Gong with his parents. Through practicing, his condition got better and better and he was able to go to school again.

After the persecution began in July 1999, Tang Shiyu, his father (Tang Yiqing), and his mother together went to Dalian City to appeal. They were illegally detained for half a day and one night. Later, police from the 1st Division of the Police Department arrested Tang's mother from her work. After a while, they sent her to the Masanjia Labor Camp and persecuted her there for two years. Tang Shiyu's father, Tang Yiqing, was an employee at the Fucun Elementary School-owned factory in Zhenxing District, Dandong City. He went to Beijing to appeal on July 22, 1999, and was unlawfully arrested and beaten many times. On July 13, 2002, the 1st Division of Dandong City Police Department called Tang Yiqing. Claiming that they planned to repair his TV, they tricked him out of his residence. Tang's family lost any news of him from then on. Later, after his family's extensive search, they found out that the police arrested him. Without following any proper legal procedure, Tang Yiqing was unlawfully sentenced to 4 years in prison. He was held in the Dongling Prison, Shenyang City.

During his parents' multiple arrests, Tang Shiyu and his relatives went to the police department, police station, and political judiciary committee numerous times. They requested the release of their family members immediately. Having to endure the entire ordeal, Tang Shiyu was under great pressure and suffered psychological pain, which caused his heart disease to recur and he passed away.

Phone numbers of responsible parties:

1st Division Director of Dandong City Police Department, Li Xueyi: 86-415-2103279
Deputy Director, Cao Yu: 86-415-2103282 (Home)
Deputy Director, Yu Deqing: 86-415-3153837
Head of Dandong City Political Judicial Committee, Wang Baozhi:
86-415-2164000, 86-415-2125851 (Office)
Deputy Head of Dandong City Political Judicial Committee,
Wu Huimin, Liu Wenbo: 86-415-2123536
Head of Dandong City "610 Office," Gao Ping, Zeng Wu: 86-415-2853955 (Home)
Former Director of Dandong City Detention Center, Jie Zhiying, Present Director, Guan Shihong: 86-415-6134004
Policemen and Perpetrators at Detention Center, Ma Guangbo, Wang Chunmei (transferred to Custodial Center)
Director of Dandong City Re-education Center, Sun Shuke: 86-415-4142335
Director of Zhenxing District Police Department, Yang Jinxiu: 86-415-3148301