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Guide Our Young Practitioners to Do Well in Cultivation While Faced with the Pressures of Their School Studies

May 21, 2005

(Clearwidsom.net) The current educational system in China is a deviated education system which primarily emphasizes exams. A student has to pass all kinds of entrance exams to enter a junior high school, a high school or a college. After graduating from college one even has to take exams and score well to get a good job. Consequently, the interpersonal conflict between different parents, different classes and schools grows more severe day by day. Especially during recent years, because of the fierce competition for employment, the load a student has to carry is increasingly so heavy that they can hardly bear it. On the weekends, when most urban students are already fully occupied by studying and doing homework, they still have to find spare time to go to their private classes to learn music, calligraphy, painting, etc. Both students and their parents feel exhausted because they are so involved in these activities.

On top of all this, young practitioners have to do the exercises and study the Fa. The pressure on them is even higher than on the ordinary students. If the young practitioners are trying to live up to the expectations of ordinary society, they then might have to compromise. They might get less chance to do the exercises or to study the Fa. If the parents (or the grandparents) expect their children (or grandchildren) to have bright futures (such as to achieve some high positions in the future or just to be outstanding in their school studies) the parents usually put a lot of pressure on their children. This often backfires: these children cannot get good grades because of the pressure.

Under such dual pressure, these young practitioners may stop doing the exercises and studying the Fa every now and then or even stop completely. This is really a pity.

Some possible causes of these problems might be, first, atheism. Influenced by atheism, some young practitioners may be half-believing and half-doubting their own powers and thereby, restraining their own god-side. Secondly, there could be a problem due to their attachment to get good grades in school. Wherever there is an attachment, there is a loophole. It is, therefore, easy to be interfered with by the dark minions. Consequently, the false phenomenon of regressing in their school studies could develop, and as a result, they might doubt the Fa and waver in their righteous thoughts and belief in Teacher and the Fa. These problems are never accidental. Because the purpose of the old forces is to destroy, the old forces interfere by using the attachments of the young practitioners and their parents with the attempt to drag them down and let them nullify all of the previous efforts.

Last year some parents, under the influence of their attachments to sentimentality, felt that it was too much for their children to study so hard and thereby developed a misguided mercy, and did not encourage their children to do the exercises and to study the Fa. Gradually, the young practitioners began lapsing in their practice of Dafa. Sometimes, the parents felt helpless, seeing their young practitioners were sliding backwards. Gradually these parents even decided to let their young practitioners give up practicing Falun Dafa altogether. We have to remember that doing the exercises is the best way to get rested and relaxed, and we can absolutely find time in our day to do the exercises and study the Fa and eventually balance our school studies and practicing Falun Dafa. Practitioners are supernormal. A non-practitioner usually sleeps about eight hours a day while a practitioner may sleep about five to six hours or three to four hours. Some even sleep only two to three hours and still feel energetic during the daytime.

The destiny of a young practitioner is re-arranged by our Teacher once he/she chooses to cultivate. Speaking from the Fa, a practitioner is above the ordinary. Through studying the Fa and doing the exercises, a young practitioner can become more intelligent. Many young practitioners do well in school very easily. These situations are very common among young practitioners.

These young practitioners usually cultivate through the help of their parents. The cultivation status of the parents influences these young practitioners a lot. Their daily speech and behaviors could change and influence their young practitioners unobtrusively and imperceptibly. The young practitioners' cultivation status also reflects whether their parents are diligent or not. To cultivate through the guidance of the parents is also a way to practice and the young practitioners can raise their level by this way of practice. "All lives came for this Fa." (Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Washington DC Fa Conference) Many young practitioners came from very high levels. Teacher always takes care of these young practitioners. In many Fa conferences, Teacher mentioned many times about how to deal with the problems of young practitioners' cultivation and school studies. Therefore, their parents have really undertaken a great responsibility to guide their young practitioners well and should not lower their guard at all.

In order to guide the young practitioners to do well in the course of their cultivation, the parents have to set good examples by their own actions. The parents have to take the lead by studying the Fa diligently, because the Fa can rectify everything and the Fa can harmonize everything. Whenever encountering any trouble, the parents should enlighten according to the Fa to eliminate the interference and to develop righteous thoughts and righteous belief. They must be diligent together, rise up together with the young practitioners and assimilate in the Fa always. The young practitioners then will be wiser, healthier and better looking, and positively will become the lives of the new universe.