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90-year-old Man and His Son Die as a Result of Persecution

May 21, 2005


Wang Youling, 90, who returned from Taiwan and lived in Xishu Village, Taibao, Changyi City, Shandong Province, practiced Falun Gong with his whole family. He was repeatedly persecuted. Local authorities extorted 30,000 yuan from him. Wang and his son died on October 30, 2003 and December 16, 2004 respectively.

Mr. Wang Youling once lived in Taiwan for 50 years. Because his family was looking after a Falun Gong exercise site, he was fined 8,400 yuan when Jiang's regime began to persecute Dafa in July, 1999. His daughter-in-law went to appeal for Dafa in Beijing, but was detained 3 times for a total of over 150 days. She was put into a chilling garage during the detention and forced to do heavy labor work with little food and without being allowed to use a washroom frequently. She also sat barefoot on the snow under coercion and was often bound to an electric pole. The authorities even humiliated her, publicly parading her around 30 villages.

On May 13, 2003, Wang Youling's son Wang Rucheng was arrested by police for practicing Falun Gong. During the night, police took away Wang Rucheng's keys and opened all locks of his home and robbed any cash they could find. Finally his release was obtained with a payment of 10,000 yuan to the corrupt authorities.

Seeing his son was persecuted so severely, Wang Youling was extremely worried. His old diseases relapsed and he collapsed to his bed due to a scare. He sadly said: "Why are Chinese so illegal? They are not like Taiwanese, who are much more friendly."

On October 19, 2003, Wang Rucheng was arrested again. Despite his father's illness, the police put the son into Changyi detention center.

Police often went to harass the family, and Wang Youling passed away on October 30, 2003.

In the detention center, Wang Rucheng was informed that his father had died. But the head of 610 office Chen Xiaodong didn't release him until he extorted an additional 4,000 yuan from the family.

Wang Rucheng was very sad about his father's death. A total of 30,000 yuan had been extorted from the family. Living in depression, his old disease relapsed, and he died on December 16, 2004 too.