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Falun Dafa Gave Practitioners a Second Life - the Persecution Caused Their Death

May 21, 2005


Worker's Union Official Ms. Kang Guohua from the School of Health in Changtu, Liaoning Province died as a result of persecution

Ms. Kang Guohua was 63 years old and had been a worker's union official at the School of Health in Changtu, Liaoning Province. She had undergone three major surgeries for breast cancer, gallbladder cancer and intestinal membrane cancer. She also had hard-to-cure diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and a stroke. Luckily she started practicing Falun Dafa on Oct. 4, 1998. All of her illnesses were cured and she gained a second life.

Ms. Kang persisted in her belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and was persistent in truth-clarification. In August 2003, political and judiciary section personnel from the Changtu County Police Department arrested her and extorted 1,000 Yuan from her. On July 29, 2003, the Beijie Police Station in Changtu County arrested her and again extorted 1,000 Yuan from her. Around the same time, the National Security Team leader Liu Jianxin led a group of policemen to ransack her home. Then they took her to the Changtu County Detention Center and detained her for 14 days. They extorted 3,000 Yuan from Ms. Kang's husband and forced him to write a guarantee statement on behalf of Ms. Kang, promising that she would give up practicing Falun Gong.

On July 23, 2004, Shang Yufeng, the deputy chief of the Beijie Police Station joined the head of the Beijie neighborhood committee. They led a group of people to ransack Ms. Kang's home and arrested her. They intended to lock her up in a detention center again, but after the family paid 2,000 Yuan they released her. After constant harassment and persecution, Ms. Kang's mind and body suffered great harm. She suffered a recurrence of an old illness and died within a week, on July 30, 2004.

78-year-old lady from Fuxin City, Liaoning Province left home twice to avoid the persecution and died

Ms. Wen Ruilan was 78 years old and lived on Limin Street in the Haizhou District, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province. After she started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, she became very healthy. She was persistent in practicing Falun Dafa even after the persecution started. On Nov. 22, 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, but was arrested at Tiananmen Square and was humiliated by the police. The police took 200 Yuan from her pocket, which was all the money she had with her. She was detained a day and a night in the Fuxin City liaison office in Beijing. Then they sent her back to the Fuxin City Haizhou Police Department where she was interrogated. The police didn't release her until they extorted 200 Yuan from her family members.

In 2000, Ms. Wen was arrested again in another practitioner's home and was taken to the Haizhou District Heping Police Station. The police charged her with "illegal gathering." One of her family members bailed her out so that she was exempt from criminal detention. In 2001, two officers from the Political and Judiciary section at the Fuxin City Police Department went to her home; she didn't answer the door. Soon, several policemen went to her home and searched throughout. All they could find was a truth-clarification flyer. They threatened Ms. Wen and then left.

In May 2003, a practitioner she had contact with was arrested. Several officers from the Political and Judiciary section went to her home again. They knocked fiercely on the door and wanted to arrest her. She was forced to leave home for several months to avoid arrest. During those several months, the officers from the Political and Judiciary section, officers from the Heping Police Station and personnel from the neighborhood committee often harassed her family members.

Between July and August 2004, someone near the building where she lived watched Ms. Wen. In addition, officers from the Political and Judiciary Section went to her home and fiercely knocked on her door many times. To avoid persecution, she left home again.

Ms. Wen's mind and body suffered long-term harm due to the continued persecution, and her illness recurred. She was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. She died on Feb. 15, 2005.

Although the effects of a stroke had earlier vanished, Ms. Wang Shuzhen suffered the recurrence of her old disease and died after the persecution drove her to stop practicing

Ms. Wang Shuzhen was 75 years old. She was from the Xiedong Group of Guanzhangzi Village in Gushanzi Town of Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province. After she started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, her severe bone illnesses and the effects of a stroke vanished. She could read the whole book Zhuan Falun, even though she never went to school. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, policemen went to her home to harass and threaten her many times. Her mind and body were greatly harmed. She suffered a recurrence of a stroke and died on April 11, 2005.

Mr. Guo Yushan, accountant from the Third Farm, the Changtu County Agricultural Machinery in Liaoning Province, died due to persecution

Mr. Guo Yushan was 66 years old. He was a retired accountant from the Third Farm of Changtu County Agricultural Machinery of Liaoning Province. Mr. Guo had heart disease and a stroke. After he started practicing Falun Dafa he became healthy, both physically and mentally.

On Oct. 19, 1999, Mr. Guo Yushan went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, but the police from the Hongdingshan Police Station in Beijing arrested him. They took him back to the Changtu County Beijie Police Station and incarcerated him at the Changtu Detention Center. Mr. Guo Yushan refused to cooperate with the policemen's wrongful requests. Personnel from the National Security Team extorted 3,000 Yuan from his family members and detained him for 38 days.

On August 14, 2003, when Mr. Guo was clarifying the truth at the Baoli Town government, somebody reported him. Zhang Shiliang and Zhao Tieshi, the heads of Baoli Police Station, arrested him. They didn't release him until his family members paid 3,000 Yuan. The next day they tricked him and ended up locking him up at the Changtu Detention Center for 45 days. They extorted 2,000 Yuan from his family members as bail money.

Around July 20, 2004, four officials from the Baoli Town government and from the Baoli Police Station suddenly appeared at Mr. Guo Yushan's home to threaten and harass him, trying to keep him from clarifying the truth or traveling. Because of the continued ordeals, threats and persecution, Mr. Guo Yushen passed away on Nov. 13, 2004.