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Latest News from China - May 1, 2005

May 21, 2005


  1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Linwen Ruthlessly Tortured in the No.2 Division, No.1 Ward of the Harbin City Women's Prison
  2. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Three Years in Prison are Currently Appealing
  3. [Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Guixiang and Ms. Zhang Jinfang Arrested
  4. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] The Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Li Guijuan and Send Her to a Brainwashing Center
  5. [Shangqiu City, Henan Province] Ms. Wu Ruihua Arrested When She Went Out to Clarify the Truth about Falun Gong
  6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] The Police Sentence Mr. Wang Wenren to One and a Half Years of Forced Labor
  7. [Shanghai] Ms. Yan Qiuying and Daughter Arrested for Posting Truth-Clarifying Materials
  8. [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Gou Jingzhen and Two Other Practitioners Held at a Detention Center for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials
  9. [Huangmei County, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhan Nanzheng, Wu Renliang Arrested and Sent for Brainwashing
  10. [Shenzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Shu Miao Arrested for Clarifying the Truth
  11. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Tian Shaochun Arrested and Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor
  12. [Shanghai] Several Practitioners Arrested and Sentenced to Prison and Forced Labor
  13. [Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province] Guan Shuli and Wang Ling Arrested
  14. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Weicheng District's 610 Office Arrests Practitioners and Extorts 10,000 Yuan from Their Families
  15. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Persecution Accounts of Practitioners from Anshan City
  16. [Chongli County, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Jianmin Sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City
  17. [Guyuan County, Hebei Province] Five Practitioners Sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City
  18. [Pei County, Jiangsu Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Prison
  19. [Guyuan County, Hebei Province] Ren Haiquan Couple is being Held Indefinitely at Zhangjiakou City's Brainwashing Center

1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Linwen Ruthlessly Tortured in the No.2 Division, No.1 Ward of the Harbin City Women's Prison

On December 21, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Linwen refused to acknowledge she was a prisoner and took off her prison uniform. At about 2:00 p.m. policemen Lu Heng and Deng Yu led prisoners Bai Xiaoli, Xin Zhirong, Chen Huanhui, Liu Ying and Liu Chao to her cell to force her to wear the uniform. They handcuffed her hands behind her back. Then they hung her up so that her toes barely touched the ground. This is actually a kind of excruciation torture named "Shangdagua." Even a prisoner sentenced to execution is not allowed to be tortured using this method. Ms. Zhang was hung like this for about 20 to 30 minutes, until she gave up. When she was taken down, the handcuffs were embedded in her flesh. Even today, the scar is clearly visible and her left hand is numb. This was the third time she was tortured this way. The previous two times were on March 10, 2004, and on March 18, 2004.

Xu Longjiang, the director of the Harbin City Women's Prison
Liu Zhiqiang, the deputy prison director. (He often personally tortures practitioners)
Cui Hongmei, the chief of the No.1 Ward
Xia Fengying, the deputy chief of the of No.1 Ward

2. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Three Years in Prison are Currently Appealing

Practitioners Wang Chenghong, Fan Jinping, Shan Xinhuan and another one with an unknown name from Nanyang City, Henan Province were all sentenced to three years in prison. They are preparing to appeal to the Nanyang City Intermediate Court. The appeal should start within ten days of April 30.

3. [Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Guixiang and Ms. Zhang Jinfang Arrested

Practitioners Ms. Wang Guixiang, about 40 years old, and Ms. Zhang Jinfang, about 50 years old are from Paoya Township, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province. On the morning of April 23, 2005, officers, including Cui Xiaohong from the local police station, arrested them. It has been heard that they are currently detained at the Wafangdian City Detention Center.

4. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] The Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Li Guijuan and Send Her to a Brainwashing Center

Practitioner Ms. Li Guijuan, 38 years old, is a teacher at the Yuheqiao Primary School in the Kuiwen District, Weifang City. On April 29, 2005, several officers from the Dayu District Police Station and from the Weifang City Police Department suddenly broke into the primary school and arrested Ms. Li. They claimed that a certain student's parents reported that she had distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. In the afternoon, they forcibly sent her to a brainwashing center in an Industry Cadre School and ransacked her home.

5. [Shangqiu City, Henan Province] Ms. Wu Ruihua Arrested When She Went Out to Clarify the Truth about Falun Gong

In early April 2005, when practitioner Ms. Wu Ruihua from Shangqiu City went out to clarify the truth, she was arrested. She was taken to the city's National Security Team and then was detained at the Shangqiu City Detention Center.

Xu Chao, the chief of the national security team: 86-13183299999
Zhao Zili, the director of the detention center: 86-13903706515

6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] The Police Sentence Mr. Wang Wenren to One and a Half Years of Forced Labor

Practitioner Mr. Wang Wenren, 41 years old, is an employee of the 228 Factory in the Chaoyang District, Changchun City. His vision and hearing were bad. Because of his determination in Falun Gong his position and salary were suspended, making his family including a child and his elderly mother lead a poor life.

In July 2004, Mr. Wang was sentenced to one and a half years in a forced labor camp because personnel from the Nanhu New Village Police Station claimed that they found Falun Gong materials at his home. He is currently being detained at the No.3 Division in the Changchun City Weizigou Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Wang said that there were no Falun Gong materials at his home at all. A certain policeman had planted the materials at his home in order to arrest him.

When he was detained at the forced labor camp, Qing Gele, the director of the Jingyue Prison in Changchun City, denied Mr. Wang's family the right to visit him on the grounds that his mother was also a Falun Gong practitioner. This violates the law that states, "A detainee in forced labor camps has the right to see his family." After Mr. Wang reasoned with the police, his family visit was eventually granted.

7. [Shanghai] Ms. Yan Qiuying and Daughter Arrested for Posting Truth-Clarifying Materials

On January 27, 2005, the police arrested practitioners Ms. Yan Qiuying and her daughter from the Yangpu District of Shanghai where the two practitioners were posting Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in the residential buildings of the Zhongyuan Community. Their whereabouts are unknown.

8. [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Gou Jingzhen and Two Other Practitioners Held at a Detention Center for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

On April 19, 2005, practitioners Ms. Gou Jingzhen, Jiang Guangfu, Ran Rongzhen, from the Renhe District, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, were arrested when distributing truth-clarifying materials at the Dalongtan. Police hung up and beat Ran Rongzhen. Afterward, Ran had a high fever and was in critical condition, but the police still attempted to send Ran to the Wanyaoshu City Detention Center. Fearing to take any responsibility, the detention center authorities refused to accept Ran. Thus, Ran Rongzhen was sent back home. Gou Jingzhen and Jiang Guangfu were held at the detention center, as were practitioner Ms. Ran Qunying and Ms. Wu Xiulan who were arrested on April 6.

Units involved in the persecution (Country code: 86, Area code: 812):

The National Security Team, the Renhe District Branch Police Department, Panzhihua City: 2902180

Yang Kai, the National Security Team chief: 2901866 (home)
Wang Dalu: 2902031 (home)
Ni Shunping: 2908388 (home)
Cui Fuli: 2901477 (home)
Song Qi'an: 2904179 (home)

9. [Huangmei County, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhan Nanzheng, Wu Renliang Arrested and Sent for Brainwashing

On April 18, 2005, the authorities from the Huangmei County Political and Judiciary Committee, from the "610 Office" and from the Political and Security Section of the Police Department went to the home of practitioner Mr. Zhan Nanzheng. He is an employee of the County Power Administration Bureau who was just released from the County Detention Center. They duped Mr. Zhan into coming to have a talk. Then they arrested him and put him right into the Hubei Province Legal Institutional Forced Brainwashing Facility in the Jiangxia District, Wuhan City. In the meantime they ordered the Power Administration Bureau to pay 3,000 Yuan and arrange for a person to accompany him.

On April 19, they ordered the Bureau to adopt an implication policy. Mr. Zhan's three sons were suspended from their jobs. They threatened Mr. Zhan to get him give in. Otherwise, they would not allow his three sons to go back to work.

On April 16, practitioner Wu Renliang from the No.1 Farm in the Longganhu Farm Administration District, Huanggang City was arrested and put into the provincial Legal Institutional Forced Brainwashing Center. The Longganhu Farm had to pay 3,000 Yuan and assign one escort.

Phone number of involved persons:

Shi Lejun, the Huangmei County "610 Office" National Security Section chief: 86-13508653817

10. [Shenzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Shu Miao Arrested for Clarifying the Truth

On April 12, 2005, practitioner Ms. Shu Miao, in her 50s, from Shenzhou City, clarified the truth to Zhang Niu, the owner of the Yusong Photo Studio at the City Trade Center and gave him a copy of the "Nine Commentaries." Unfortunately, Zhang Niu's youngest daughter-in-law, Zhang Youhui, reported this to the City Police Department. The police arrested Ms. Shu, and she is being held at the City Detention Center.

The departments and individuals involved in the persecution are:

The Political Security Section of the City Police Department
Zhang Jiantao, Secretary of the City Political and Judiciary Committee
Zhang Yuanxiang and Jia Shuangwan, policemen in the Political Security Section of the City Police Department

11. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Tian Shaochun Arrested and Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

On April 25, 2005, personnel from the Beipiao City "610 Office" and from the National Security Team arrested practitioner Mr. Tian Shaochun at a country fair. His home was ransacked that same day. On April 28 he was sent to the Chaoyang City Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp and sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Phone numbers of some personnel at the Chaoyang City Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province (Country code: 86, Area code: 421):

Yu Wanchi, Director: 6658400 (office), 6658401 (home)
Jin Yucheng, Deputy Director: 6658403 (office)
The Fourth Division (the division in charge of Falun Gong persecution)
Qi Yongshun, the Fourth Division chief: 6658438 (office), 2721900 (home)

12. [Shanghai] Several Practitioners Arrested and Sentenced to Prison and Forced Labor

An arrest took place on April 6, 2005. It is reported recently that from among those practitioners arrested from the Weifang Street Community in the Pudong District, Shanghai. Fa Zhengping and Xu Jianying were sentenced to prison; Ge Meiyu, Zhu Wenxian, Sun Wenjuan and Tao Tanying were sentenced to forced labor.

13. [Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province] Guan Shuli and Wang Ling Arrested

On the afternoon of April 15, 2005, officers from the Baoqing County Police Department ransacked a practitioner's home in Qixingpao Town and arrested Guan Shuli and Wang Ling. They confiscated a laptop computer, a printer, over 4,000 Yuan cash and other personal belongings. Right now, Guan Shuli and Wang Ling are being held in Baoqing County's No. 1 Detention Center.

Telephone number of some responsible personnel from Baoqing County:

(Country code: 86, area code: 469. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers.)

Wang Jingquan, director of the police department: 5423678(Office), 4286244 (Home), and 13904686458 (Cell);
Zhang Qingxiang from the Instruction Center: 110 (Office) and 5433795 (Home);
Wang Jianming from the Instruction Center: 110 (Office) and 5423469 (Home);
Du Fuxiang from the Political and Security Section: 5425634 (Home) and 13946602533 (Cell);
Yin Bang'en from the No. 1 Detention Center: 5431737 (Office), 5422473 (Home), and 13504641828 (Cell);
Liu Naijun and Sha Shaoliang: responsible persons from the Qixingpao Police Station.

14. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Weicheng District's "610 Office" Arrests Practitioners and Extorts 10,000 Yuan from Their Families

On April 12, 2005, the Weicheng District's "610 Office" forcibly took Guan Wei, Zhang Ai'rong, and Xu from theirs homes in the Zhuangtouwangliiu District. To date, they have not been released. A practitioner's family member said personnel from the "610 Office" extorted 10,000 Yuan from him/her before they released the practitioner.

15. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Persecution Accounts of Practitioners from Anshan City

Mr. Zhang Jinghua, over 60 years old, was arrested in January 2002 and sentenced to three years of forced labor. During his detention, the torture was so severe that he became blind and could hardly walk. After he was released, his condition improved a little bit. In March, shortly after Mr. Zhang left home, he was arrested at Lishan Park and put into a detention center.

Mr. Zhang Yu, son of Mr. Zhang Jinghua, is also a Dafa practitioner. He was sentenced to seven years in prison at Shenyang City's Prison.

Ms. Liu Hong, 34 years old, single, was arrested while attending a group study at Shen Zhenlan's home. She was later sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Mr. Zeng Qingzhong and Ms. Han Yuqing are a couple. They were arrested while attending a group study at Shen Zhenlan's home. Ms. Han has been released. Mr. Zeng is still being held at the Anshan Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Zeng Ze, daughter of Mr. Zeng Qingzhong, 21 years old, was sentenced to seven years in prison after the Falun Dafa materials production center was destroyed. Her case has been reported on minghui.ca (the Chinese version of the Clearwisdom website).

Ms. Yong Fang, a former volunteer Falun Dafa practice site assistant, was arrested in July 2004. She is now being held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. He Shaojun, over 40 years old, was arrested in the fall of 2004. She is being held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Pan Shumin, over 40 years old, is held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Mr. Liang Li and Ms. Wang Shuqing are a couple. Mr. Liang is being held at the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Wang is being held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Cao Guifen, 60 years old, is a resident in the No. 5 District, Shengousi, Anshan City. On April 5, 2005, she was arrested while clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people. She is now being held at the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp. Her home was ransacked. The police confiscated a great many Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials. The police thought her home was a Falun Dafa materials production center because a few practitioners always go there to study the Fa together, but it's not true.

16. [Chongli County, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Jianmin Sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City

Mr. Liu Jianmin from Gaojiaying, Chongli County, Zhangjiakou City read certain Falun Dafa books, felt he benefited a lot and decided to become a Falun Gong practitioner. At around 5:00 p.m. on December 21, 2004, without showing any warrant, personnel from the Political and Security Team, Chongli County's Police Department, the Gaojiaying Police Station, together with Zhangjiakou City's Police forcibly arrested Mr. Liu while he was walking on a street in Zhangjiakou City. They put him in a detention center. Mr. Liu staged a hunger strike to protest the persecution. On December 26, 2004, he was sent to the Baoding City Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. To date he has not been released. His elderly mother has been crying ever since and she shakes and trembles whenever her son is mentioned.

17. [Guyuan County, Hebei Province] Five Practitioners Sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City

In October 2004, Guyuan County's "610 Office" sent five practitioners from Guyuan County to a labor camp. They are: Liu Tai, Zhang Chunlan, Sun Runtao and others. They were transported to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp without going through any legal procedures. The practitioners are still being held.

18. [Pei County, Jiangsu Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Prison

Between 2000 to November 2003, Cao Houcun, Pan Xujun, Zong Xunyong and Wang Xinchun from Pei County were sentenced to nine years, seven years, six years and eleven years in prison, respectively. They were sent to the Nanjing Jurong Women's Prison and the Sihong Men's Prison.

19. [Guyuan County, Hebei Province] The Ren Haiquan Couple is being Held Indefinitely at Zhangjiakou City's Brainwashing Center

The Falun Dafa practitioner Ren Haiquan couple from Houshan Village, Baituyao Township, Guyuan County was sent to Zhangjiakou City's Brainwashing Center for an indefinite term. To date they haven't been released.