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Photo Report: Practitioners in Russia Clarify the Truth (3)

May 21, 2005


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Peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate and calling for an end to the persecution on July 20, 2003

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Demonstrating Falun Gong exercises, clarifying the truth, and giving interviews with media in front of the Chinese Consulate on July 20, 2003

Holding Falun Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference
Outdoor group practice
Passersby viewing truth-clarifying posters

Candlelight vigil to commemorate fellow practitioners that died from the persecution
Anti-torture exhibit
Anti-torture exhibit

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Parade calling for an end to the persecution held in October, 2004

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From early morning to evening, practitioners clarified the truth to people on the streets in January 2005.
People who understood the truth signed the petition against the persecution.
People who understood the truth signed the petition against the persecution.